sudo perf record -e cycles -c 100000000 -p 87741 -g -- sleep 20
sudo perf script -F ip,sym -f > data.viz
cat data.viz | ./perfdata2graph.py svg > example.cpu.svg
L3 cache miss
sudo perf record -e LLC-load-misses,LLC-store-misses -c 100000 -p 87741 -g -- sleep 20
sudo perf script -F ip,sym -f > data.viz
cat data.viz | ./perfdata2graph.py svg > example.l3-dcache-miss.svg
指令cache miss
sudo perf record -e iTLB-loads,L1-icache-load-misses -c 500000 -p 87741 -g -- sleep 20
sudo perf script -F ip,sym -f > data.viz
cat data.viz | ./perfdata2graph.py svg > example.l1-icache-miss.svg
其中第三步依赖 graphviz,如果没有条件安装 graphviz,可 cat data.viz | ./perfdata2graph.py dot > example.dot 生成 .dot 文件,带到有 graphviz 的环境用 dot -T svg example.dot > example.svg 生成 svg
# 安装graphviz linux
yum install graphviz
import sys
import os
import subprocess
class Edge:
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
self.to = None
self.label = None
self.penwidth = 1
self.weight = 1.
class Node:
def __init__(self):
self.identify = ""
self.name = ""
self.count = 0
self.self_count = 0
self.id = None
self.label = None
self.color = "#F8F8F8"
self.edges = {}
def __str__(self):
return "id: %s, name: %s, count %s, edges %s" % (self.id, self.name, self.count, len(self.edges))
class PerfToGraph:
def __init__(self, fmt = "svg", node_drop_pct = 1., edge_drop_pct = None):
self.fmt = fmt
self.all_nodes = {}
self.samples = 1
self.s100 = 100.
self.node_drop_pct = node_drop_pct
self.edge_drop_pct = edge_drop_pct
if edge_drop_pct is None:
self.edge_drop_pct = node_drop_pct / 5.
self.node_drop_cnt = 0
self.edge_drop_cnt = 0
self.colors = [
(0.02, "#FAFAF0"),
# https://www.schemecolor.com/light-golden-gradient.php
(0.2, "#FAFAD2"),
(1.0, "#F9EBB6"),
(2.0, "#F9DB9B"),
(3.0, "#F8CC7F"),
(5.0, "#F7BC63"),
# https://www.schemecolor.com/orange-to-red-gradient.php
(7.0, "#FF8B01"),
(9.0, "#FA6F01"),
(12.0, "#F55301"),
(15.0, "#F03801"),
(19.0, "#EB1C01"),
(23.0, "#E60001")
def convert(self):
def set_pen_width(self, e):
pct = e.count * 100. / self.samples
if pct > 10:
e.penwidth = 3 + min(pct, 100) * 2. / 100
elif pct > 1:
e.penwidth = 1 + pct * 2. / 10
e.penwidth = 1
def set_edge_weight(self, e):
e.weight = e.count * 100. / self.samples
if e.weight > 100:
e.weight = 100
elif e.weight > 10:
e.weight = 10 + e.weight / 10.
def set_node_color(self, n):
v = n.self_count / self.s100
for p in self.colors:
if v >= p[0]:
n.color = p[1]
def get_node(self, identify, name):
if self.all_nodes.has_key(identify):
return self.all_nodes[identify]
n = Node()
n.identify = identify
n.name = name
self.all_nodes[identify] = n
return n
def add_edge(self, f, t):
if f.edges.has_key(t.identify):
e = f.edges[t.identify]
e.count += 1
e = Edge()
e.to = t
e.count = 1
f.edges[t.identify] = e
def read_stdin(self):
# $ escape not needed?
cmd = "sed -e 's/<.*>//g' -e 's/ (.*$//' -e 's/+0x.*//g' -e '/^[^\t]/d' -e 's/^\s*//'"
sub = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)
prev = None
self.samples = 1
for l in sub.stdout:
l = l.strip()
if (not l) and (not prev):
# avoding continous empty lines
tmp = l.split(' ')
addr = tmp[0]
name = (" ".join(tmp[1:])).strip()
if '[unknown]' == name:
name = addr
if not l:
addr = 'fake_addr'
name = '::ALL::'
# we use name to identify nodes
n = self.get_node(name, name)
if prev == n:
n.count += 1
if prev:
self.add_edge(n, prev)
prev = n
if not l:
self.samples += 1
prev = None
def formalize(self):
self.s100 = self.samples / 100.
self.node_drop_cnt = self.samples * self.node_drop_pct / 100
self.edge_drop_cnt = self.samples * self.edge_drop_pct / 100
i = 0;
for n in self.all_nodes.values():
n.id = "n%s" % (i)
n.self_count = n.count - sum([x.count for x in n.edges.values()])
n.label = "%s\\nTotal: %.2f%% | Call: %.2f%%\\nSelf: %.2f%%(%s)" % (n.name.replace("::", "\\n"), n.count/self.s100, (n.count - n.self_count)/self.s100, n.self_count/self.s100, n.self_count)
for e in n.edges.values():
e.label = "%.2f%%" % (e.count/self.s100)
def to_dot(self):
out = []
digraph call_graph_for_perf_data {
node [shape = box, style=filled ];""")
for n in self.all_nodes.values():
if n.count <= self.node_drop_cnt:
out.append('%s [ label = "%s", tooltip = "%s", fillcolor="%s"];' % (n.id, n.label, n.name, n.color))
for n in self.all_nodes.values():
if n.count <= self.node_drop_cnt:
for e in n.edges.values():
if e.count <= self.edge_drop_cnt or e.to.count <= self.node_drop_cnt:
tip = 'edgetooltip = "%s ==> %s", labeltooltip = "%s ==> %s"' % (n.name, e.to.name, n.name, e.to.name)
out.append('%s -> %s [ penwidth = %.2f, weight = %f, label = "%s", %s ];' % (n.id, e.to.id, e.penwidth, e.weight, e.label, tip))
out.append('note [ label = "Total samples: %d\\nDrop nodes with <= %.2f%%(%d)\\nDrop edges with <= %.2f%%(%d)", fillcolor="#00AFFF" ];' % (self.samples, self.node_drop_pct, int(self.node_drop_cnt), self.edge_drop_pct, int(self.edge_drop_cnt)))
return "\n".join(out)
def output(self):
if "dot" == self.fmt:
print self.to_dot()
elif "svg" == self.fmt:
cmd = "dot -T svg | sed '$i<defs><style type=\"text/css\"><![CDATA[path:hover { fill: none; stroke-width:8; } ]]></style></defs>'"
sub = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)
dot = self.to_dot()
sub.communicate(input = dot)
elif "top" == self.fmt:
for n in sorted(self.all_nodes.values(), key = lambda n : n.self_count, reverse = True):
print "%s %.2f%%" % (n.name, n.self_count/self.s100)
if __name__ == "__main__":
support_fmt = { "svg" : None, "dot" : None, "top" : None }
if len(sys.argv) < 2 or (not support_fmt.has_key(sys.argv[1])):
print "%s dot/svg/top [node_drop_perent] [edge_drop_percent]" % (sys.argv[0])
fmt = sys.argv[1]
nd_pct = len(sys.argv) > 2 and float(sys.argv[2]) or 1.0
ed_pct = len(sys.argv) > 3 and float(sys.argv[3]) or 0.2
c = PerfToGraph(fmt, nd_pct, ed_pct)