
作者: 一口特立独行的井 | 来源:发表于2020-01-12 10:55 被阅读0次

Happy anniversary to you!

The food you described sounds delicious. Haha, I'm going to drool.

Do you have the habit of eating green vegetables? Or do you usually use mashed potatoes to supplement vitamins?The photo you took in front of the sauna looks like you don't wear much. Is the hot steam coming out?

I think it's really good to be able to adapt to the light during the day and fall asleep in this environment.I have seen a popular science before. It says that when people are on different parts of the earth, the body will automatically sense the local gravity (or something else) and adjust the metabolism, which is the origin of jet lag.When does your winter last? What about the hottest time of the year?It's very hot in Guangzhou these days. I still wear short sleeves in the exam.

If I hadn't opened the mailbox, I would have hardly seen your news.Yesterday, I went to the bookstore with my classmate, and she went to help a woman who was pushing a baby carriage to lift it down the stairs. I took this picture.

Say hello to my dear uncle and aunt and your family.

                                      yous niece


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