
作者: Goston007 | 来源:发表于2015-08-02 15:35 被阅读20次

Design is the way something is planned, arranged, and made. A designer aims to create things that look good, and do their job well. Most man-made objects--including the page you are reading, the chair you are sitting on, and the clothes you are wearing have been designed. Increasingly, computers are used in design.

What makes a good design?

The successful combination of form and function is the  basis of good design. A chair, for example, should look good and be fit for its purpose--which is to provide a safe, comfortable support for a person to sit on. 

Why do designs change?

Designers sketch out ideas on paper, decide on materials, and then make detailed drawings. They also make sketches on a computer to create images of three-dimensional models, which the designer can then manipulate and view from all angles. Usually a prototype is built and fully tested before being manufactured. 



