Ask for help

Ask for help

作者: 一只快乐的小肥猪 | 来源:发表于2016-11-09 14:34 被阅读0次

    "hi,could you have finished the task?",she asked happily.

    "yeah,it is certain that l could finish it independent .'',he looked a little proud.

    "could you help me ?".

    ''why?no.",he decisively rejected.

    "monitor,monitor...SOS!",she seemed to cry.

    "what are you doing?",he felt a little strange.

    "l will charge  you bully me .",she showed like a child,said a little spoiled.

    "wait !wait! l teach you .OK? now , what do you not understand?",he shrugs.

    "ooh,l don't know which one ? l don't  how to express the question.",she felt embarrassed.

    "My god. could you go to the lecture?",he said.

    "yeah,l did carefully listen.",the girl subdues say,"l also hope l could understand everything and could do everything independently.en...Are you free this weekend?please!Just spend your time of the morning.".

    "OK. then it's a bargain".he said.



          本文标题:Ask for help
