DAY 16 P171-183

DAY 16 P171-183

作者: 好青年CHLOE | 来源:发表于2017-06-22 21:53 被阅读0次

    1. after Rowley left yesterday, I really got on some comics. I came up with this character called Creighton the Cretin, and I got on a roll.

    Get on a roll: 连续交好运。

    Lucy is really get on a roll after she had a journey from Thailand.

    2. I must’ve banged out twenty strips, and I didn’t even break a sweat.

    Break a sweat : 花力气苦干(常和否定句连用)

    She tried to break a sweat on hit the whole book during one evening.

    3. Bill is always in detention, so I guess he has a bone to pick with just about every teacher in the school, including Mr. Ira.

    Be detention 扣留,处罚学生

    Have a bone to pick up with sb.同(某人)有争端要解决

    Jim has a bone to pick up with his English teacher because of  the test result was given in C.

    4. she didn’t try to pry and get all the details.

    Pry: 打探, 打听隐私

    One of my neighbor lady has the habit of pry for personal details.

    5. I wasn’t ready to set the record straight just yet.

    Set the record straight: 弄清楚真相

    Let me set the record straight on the faults in your composition.


    1. I got to give Mon credit for how she handled it.

    Give somebody credit for: 为了...而赞扬(肯定)某人。

    I got to give my classmate credit for she recommend me to her boss.

    2. She must have thought I was Rowley, because I was borrowing his coat.

    I must have thought she was the one who borrowed my umbrella but did not return.


    Today I was happy to have a short trip with my mum together. It was a long time even several years ago since I had a trip with mum. We drove to 20 kilometers away from city center to suburban area for watching blooms in the temple. I did shot a lot of nice photos to my mum because I want to give her beautiful memories at her 60’s . After that I collected all the photos to make a video album for her that can be browsed online at anytime.



          本文标题:DAY 16 P171-183
