11.4-Errors of Expression-Mistaken Authority
The fallacy of mistaken authority ascribes authority to someone who does not possess it.
- 权威错误的谬误是把权威归于并不拥有它的人
It has become more common since the cult of celebrity has goven in the media.
A subtler form of this error occurs when experts in one field present themselves as authorities in another;
- 当一个领域的专家把自己当成另一个领域的权威是,这种错误就会发生;
For example. when scientists speak as ethicists or theologians.
- 例如,当科学家以伦理学家或神学家的身份发言时。
To avoid the error of mistaken authority, check to be sure that all the sources you cite as authorities possess expertise in the particular subject you are writing about.