Words and expressions
1. Now came the official farewell parties and requests from his many friends for autographed scripts, of which he tossed off a great many.
toss off: to perform, write, quickly and easily
仿写: He tossed off several papers in half an hour.
2. It was a motley company of gentry and poor folks that sent him off.
motley: a group of people or things that are very different from each other and do not seem to belong together
仿写: His pockets contained a motley collection of coins, movie ticket, and candies.
3. In order to carry out my duty I had to wrangle with the farmers and merchants about weights and measures.
wrangle with: a long and complicated argument with sb
仿写: Don't wrangle with others over trifles.
4. The son, who he knew was a scoundrel, was pilloried and in chains.
scoundrel: a bad or dishonest man, especially someone who cheats or deceives other people
仿写: They described the man as a scoundrel.