

作者: 进击的Unicorn | 来源:发表于2020-12-26 23:28 被阅读0次

Inconspicuous as he was, however, he managed to take hold of the biggest potato of the lot.

it served only to infuriate Deutscher even more.

ameliorate social ills

造句: The government has gone to great lengths to ameliorate social ills, such as cyber crimes.

curiosity got the better of her

They were on the verge of giving up

he grappled with the words


Last time my report was sent to the tutor, but no response was given.

I was overcome with concern , fears getting better of me.

But today I made my mind to ask if there were any problems , grappling with the words.

I went into raptures at the feedback.

However, one thing, has still haunted me, for I am not certain whether I would stick to it.

There are times when I have been on the verge of giving up the degree.


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