My graduate life

My graduate life

作者: 漫华Crystal | 来源:发表于2017-07-01 23:45 被阅读13次

3 years ago, I came to JNU with Admission Letter delightly, which means I could have started a new life. Now I have to say goodbye to campus life and walk into society. I want to talk about what I have learnt in this journey.

Life is my only goal. I used to think works beyond everything,I was busy every minute, never stop for a rest.One day I have realized the truth that works are too much to finish.So I stop this delusion and give some time for life everyday, to share ideas with friends, do some planting,design new dormitory and so on.

Forming meditation and other types of good habits.I meet Wealth Column in Dedao Platform , I start keeping notes after reading, I start meditation, which is helpful to raise my congnition ability, I start to reflect my life and take notes for 338 days.I start taking exercises for 165 hours.

Thinking deeply.I started to wonder what I really want and how to reach it, I started to view issues in different ways, I started to combine thinking with social life. I have gained ability to reach my goal, that is setting some habits and hold on.

Meeting some interesting people.I have met interesting people, they may have different characters from me, someone is crazy for better life, someone likes philosophy but dislikes sociable life, someone is knowledgable, which like a mobile dictionary.

I owe this experience a lot, which makes me more self-discipline, gain a conception of lifelong learner, teaches me how to love other people.



      本文标题:My graduate life
