金融类App成功上架App Store

作者: CoderCurtis | 来源:发表于2018-07-04 11:11 被阅读242次

App从零到第一版本完成接近小半年的时间,期间付诸了许多努力,但结果是美好的,第一版完成并且成功上架App Store。


  • 5月31号首次提交审核,6月1号进入In Review,2号Rejected;
  • 6月19号第二次提交审核,20号进入In Review,21号Rejected;
  • 6月21号第三次提交审核,22号进入In Review,可能是中间过了个周六/日,28号显示Pending Developer Release(我设置的手动发布) !!! 等待开发人员发布!!!

虽然我公司是做互联网金融的,但没有金融许可证!!! 这个开发过程中我才知道的,有点意外,然后我问为什么不办,公司相关人员回复说现在国家把这个事情搁置了...就是说暂时办不出来-_-。金融类App上架苹果App Store的情况大家上网搜一下就能知道有多严格了,好多人一直在网上寻求大家的帮助如何才能上架App Store,鱼龙混杂说什么的都有,比如先别家公司代上然后再转回来,首先我相信追求合规化的公司绝大部分是不会如此做的,起码我们公司领导不会同意这样。


Guideline 3.2.1 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Acceptable

We found that your app facilitates loan applications, but the seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the financial institution in the app or its metadata, as required by Guideline 3.2.1(viii) of the App Store Review Guidelines.

Next Steps

To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide the following information. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.

1. Both a copy and the direct link to the government website of your Business License which includes the scope that your company is allowed to provide internet lending information intermediary services (营业执照,且执照中明示公司经营范围包含从事网络借贷信息中介服务)
2. Your app’s and service’s Terms & Conditions. 
3. In the case of dispute, what resolution mechanism does your app and service offer? 
4. What is your responsibility in such case? Is such responsibility stated clearly in the Terms & Conditions? 
5. How will the involved parties trace one another?

Additionally, please ensure your app’s Support and Privacy URLs in the metadata direct users to the webpages with appropriate information.

Please attach documentary evidence in the App Review Information section in iTunes Connect. In accordance with section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, you acknowledge that submitting falsified or fraudulent documentation can result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account and the removal of your apps from the App Store. Once Legal has reviewed your documentation and confirms its validity, we will proceed with the review of your app.

然后我查了下Guideline 3.2.1的内容:

  • 3.2.1 可以接受
    • (i) 在您的 app 中,出于购买或促销目的而展示您的其他 app,只要您的 app 不只是简单地罗列其他 app。
    • (ii) 显示或推荐专为经批准的特定需求而设计的第三方 app (如健康管理、航空以及辅助功能等)。您的 app 应能提供持续不断的编辑内容,这样 app 才不会看起来像是个摆设。
    • (iii) 在租借期限结束后,禁止访问经批准的特定租借内容 (例如电影、电视节目、音乐、图书);所有其他项目服务不得存在过期时间。
    • (iv) Wallet 凭证可用于付款或接收付款、传输交易或是提供身份验证 (例如电影票、优惠券和 VIP 凭据)。如将 Wallet 凭证用作其他用途,则可能会导致 app 被拒,Wallet 凭据也有可能被撤销。
    • (v) 保险类 app 必须免费提供,并且必须遵守 app 发布地区的相关法律,且不得使用 App 内购买项目。
    • (vi) 经批准的非营利组织可以在他们持有的 app 或第三方 app 内进行筹款活动,前提是这些筹款活动必须遵守所有的 App Review 准则并提供 Apple Pay 支持。这类 app 必须披露资金的计划用途,遵守所有必要的当地和联邦政府法律,并且确保向捐款人提供相应的报税收据。在被要求时,还应向 App Review 团队提供其他信息。向捐款人介绍其他非营利组织的非营利组织平台必须确保 app 中列出的每一家非营利组织都已通过非营利组织批准流程。进一步了解如何成为批准的非营利组织
    • (vii) App 可允许个人用户使用非 App 内购买项目机制向另一位个人送赠货币式礼物,前提为:a) 送赠方拥有决定是否进行送赠的完全自主权,b) 获赠方收取 100% 的礼物金额。然而,礼物若在任何时间点对应或包含接收任何数字内容或服务,则必须使用 App 内购买项目。
    • (viii) App 如被用于金融交易,投资或资金管理,发布方应为执行此类服务的金融机构,或必须使用由该机构根据其条款与条件提供的公共 API。



Guideline 3.2.1 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Acceptable

We found that your app facilitates loan applications, but the seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the financial institution in the app or its metadata, as required by Guideline 3.2.1(viii) of the App Store Review Guidelines.

Next Steps

To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide the following information. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.

1. Both a copy and the direct link to the government website of your Business License (营业执照)
2. A copy of the Rectification Notification issued by the relevant governing authority to your company (当地金融办 (局) 下发给贵公司的「整改通知书」附件)
3. A copy of the proof that your company is connected to a bank’s depository system (银行存管证明)
4. Your app’s and service’s Terms & Conditions. 
5. In the case of dispute, what resolution mechanism does your app and service offer? 
6. What is your responsibility in such case? Is such responsibility stated clearly in the Terms & Conditions? 
7. How will the involved parties trace one another?

Additionally, please ensure your app’s Support and Privacy URLs in the metadata direct users to the webpages with appropriate information.

Please attach documentary evidence in the App Review Information section in App Store Connect. In accordance with section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, you acknowledge that submitting falsified or fraudulent documentation can result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account and the removal of your apps from the App Store. Once Legal has reviewed your documentation and confirms its validity, we will proceed with the review of your app.




2、 整改通知书
3、 银行存管证明
4、 Your app’s and service’s Terms & Conditions. 
5、In the case of dispute, what resolution mechanism does your app and service offer? 
6、What is your responsibility in such case? Is such responsibility stated clearly in the Terms & Conditions? 
7、How will the involved parties trace one another?


压缩文件格式: 格式最外层是文件夹,内放多个文件夹,每个文件夹放相应的材料,如下方:

屏幕快照 2018-07-04 10.53.35.png


PS: 7月2号我们提交了新的版本,今天已通过审核,一次过审。


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    本文标题:金融类App成功上架App Store
