佛教寺庙比beach好多了!断经都几次了,还绽放!-H&H 52

佛教寺庙比beach好多了!断经都几次了,还绽放!-H&H 52

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2020-02-15 12:16 被阅读0次


一个人跳舞的感觉如何,就是很好啊,昨晚喝完lime water准备回去,上海B叫住我,她和(老公)朋友Daniel在喝酒,说是喜欢party,喝酒,吃海鲜,睡觉的人,我一听就彻底放弃他们啦,但音乐不错我就说跳舞吧,B陪我一小会就说要喝酒去,老公去了马来西亚,她认为呆在国外不是家,想家一定冒风险也要回去,安心!我听过几个人这么说,一定要回国才安心,我完全没有同感,在这就挺安心的,她老公和Daniel 都是高中老师,竟然party到凌晨的货色,说是mirissa每天都party,我都动心啦,好在今天kingfisher也会有乐队,还是按兵不动吧。晚上只半夜醒来一次,还OK,Sharon说自己半夜醒是断经现象,我说,都断好几次了!谁想到,中年墙内开花如此旺盛,每天都是wet!

看到J之前西班牙录像,身材真棒,从来没想到自己会找一个如此让人垂涎欲滴的男人,心里想谁给他录像也是像我这样主动提供辅助的女人吧,因为他要录movement on beach,我说可以帮助,啥时我成了如此主动服务意识强的小女子?之前想过love once before die, maybe this is IT, or not, never mind, just expereince it!


决定beach hop in!所以吃了gorgeous hopper classic, which is best, double espresso,我很留意不会发给J我的各种活动,但突然想到他提到我们在Leon concert见到过,我看了自己video,果然有他,当时是否留意到?应该只是general feeling there are a few hippies typical in the room! that is it. 但第一次见到他,就有好感!

约了司机,到了才意识到是那个带我去galle的stressful man,不停让我看meters,因为我和他讲价钱,anyhow,他也知道我的colombo司机10K没有show up,感情他们所有司机都通气哦!

他建议我去turtle farm和lagoon,明知道都是拿回扣,我对于farming turtle没兴趣,就勉强去了lagoon,一看心也凉了,真是无聊,但不好意思拒绝尤其知道是他们生意,就上了船,cinnamon知道是树茎干,看到一个巨大的蜥蜴,其他就没啥了,看到两只猴子,好吧!5000rp,真够贵的,估计司机拿够了,因为出来就把我转给另一个老实一些司机,也好,我有三个beach一定要去的,ahangama,瑞典推荐,mirissa,polhena 德国人推荐,都去了,ahangama就是surfing,和之前奥地利女孩le point surf在一起,一群cool男女,我认为自己可以放弃surfing,mirissa下去走了一圈,海边有个土包,可以上去,ins照片地方被圈起来,没法照,几个中餐厅可见生意地点啊!去了polhena,说是可以看到turtle,就把包留给警察,换了swim suit,一打眼看到两个人远处snorkelling,估计OK,游泳过去,就是shalow water,一个巨大turgle,颜色很美,头颅各种颜色,看起来很人性,围着他她围着我,呆了一会,我还是有些胆怯,因为她的头看起来和蛇很相近,不敢离太近,担心咬我,心满意足走!突然决定去matara temple in the sea,加钱200,也值,结果不值,因为在重建中,啥也没有,就是一个书生气人和我聊coronavirus talk 60% can be affected WHO? Technician!我和他说一切都在控制中,还是免疫力重要,政府绝对高效等等,temple need donation a lot!

Driver stressed send me away!he might go back getting commission back

5000 lagoon disaster

反倒是rock temple是今天highlight,2.32到了,都是巨大石头,寺庙建在缝隙里,我到处走,看到cobra sign stop,估计修行地方,聚集眼镜蛇也正常,我就不要冒险吧。


期待James感觉和当年xiaoyu一样感觉,都非常;physical,why not!


James 电话对bangalore接待很满意,尤其是好吃的dosha,简直在他看来就是世界第一,描绘绘声绘色,我也提了turtle,lizard和jelly fish bites,他问我“ are u in commercial place?”

Lin: Yes in cafe restaurant and beach.我以为他要做啥improper gesture

J: “can u go to surf shop to buy a surf shorts for me I did not bring mine and surfing shorts are special one so u do not lose it when surfing”

Lin: "U want to surf? I went to a few village beach here it is not for surfing but swimming! I saw these surfing school with yongsters in their 20's biking and carrying surf board very cool! But it is not everywhere u can surf u need find partiuclar spot for surfing! Are u into it? I am cutting down things to do surfing is not for me but maybe u can blend in. it is better when we meet we look around the shorts together."

我其实满嘴胡说八道心里不知道啥滋味,我call,.why he thinks I should buy this for him and did I do enough by now with retreat! All the worries coming true he does think I can be the woman to pay for all? I am not taking this shit! With all these thoughts in mind I am talking nonsense!

He does not appear normal either and a bit strange: "no I just want to do three things writing spending time with u and swim in ocean! No I do not want to surf I learned the time I feel good but it is quite physical demanding! Happy venentine's day!yes I see the date and thought about it!''

Lin:I am surprised u even mention it look around I am only one here enjoying my ice cream and all others couples which I am ok with it!

anyhow we talk about what he is going to talk about yoga as oneness tomorrow and related to human greed, I said" good topic,  make sure u can share some info, human greed is a good topic!" I was thinking u know what, it might be the case as yogi we talked about it but we do not practice yoga in real life, which is even worse, I need find out.

It turns out a good night sleep, I do not miss him anymore. It will be an easy decision. I was thinking of Ray and Dominique, they all realistic business men but they do not want to take advantage of me or need not, but I am not into them. Never date anybody so poor which is a good lesson, either make pieces into peace, or break my peace into pieces, either way it is fun to experience it.

I tried to connect with whale watching, realizing the logistic is quite something, one hour drive to Mirissa, which I am heading to south anyhow, let us see.


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      本文标题:佛教寺庙比beach好多了!断经都几次了,还绽放!-H&H 52
