Michal Jordan to the Max

Michal Jordan to the Max

作者: shixiao723 | 来源:发表于2018-05-31 11:26 被阅读62次

前几日看了一个关于乔丹在NBA最后一个赛季的纪录电影Michal Jordan to the Max。如乔丹的教练菲尔·杰克逊所言,乔丹最弱的一项是跳投,他便不断地训练跳投;有人说他防守不好,乔丹却得到过NBA年度防守球员奖项。在乔丹还是北卡罗来纳大学的新生,就在最后一刻投中致胜一球,带领北卡罗莱纳大学队以63∶62击败乔治城大学队,获取NCAA总冠军。

1993年8月,乔丹的父亲遭到谋杀身亡,带给乔丹毁灭性的打击。父亲从小希望乔丹去打棒球。1993年10月,乔丹做出了退役的决定,参加芝加哥的棒球队。据当时的棒球教练所言,乔丹每天最早到球场,最晚离开球场,不断练习,努力使自己精进。当一天结束时,乔丹会向教练提出再练一会儿。人们并不看好乔丹的棒球事业,运动杂志甚至以他做封面,标题写着“Michael Jordan has embarrassed baseball”。后来乔丹意识到篮球终归是他无法割舍的最爱,在篮球上的天赋异禀有多难得。1995年3月,乔丹复出。


Michal Jordan to the Max




When my father died, I had him for 32 years, I was very lucky. I looked at it as being lucky, not as being disappointed that he wasn’t around anymore. I was lucky that he was there when I needed him. That he could influence my life to look at situations that I use to help make my decisions to this day. Some kids never have that. Sure, I would love to have him now, but people are put on this earth for a reason, and you utilize the time that you’re here.

You never know when that’s going to be taken away from you. But while he’s here, or while they’re here, they should make an impact on someone’s life. And he made an impact on my life.

Everyday that I stepped on the basketball court, even though I was on top of the world,

I felt like I had something to improve Michale’s love of the game was born in his hometown during long afternoons on the playground. But Michael’s first hard lesson would come when he tried out for the varsity team at Laney High.


The disappointment was so deep, like a cut, it struck the fire in me to make sure that I never endure that type of pain again. I’m crying, I lost my emotions totally. My mother came to me and said, “Use that energy to prove to the coach and your peers and your classmates that they made a mistake.”


You give it your best. You try so hard and you get to the point.

If you try one more time, you are able to achieve it. It’s going one step farther. That’s not giving up, it’s giving your best. I only will walk away when I know I do not have anything else to give.


“Those are my weaknesses. I’m going to figure out how to make those my strengths.”

I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.

If we sit here and worry about what people think of us, then we don’t have a chance.

The level of faith that I have in anything in my life is taught by my parents, it is a trait that I would never trade anything for. If I can ever pass anything on to my kids, it would be to be optimistic about everything in life.


He’s the type of man that could get you to jump off a bridge or at least think about it for a few seconds. He has such a will to accomplish a mission after everyone follows him.

Our hearts are not fatigued. That’s the most important thing.


People were basically saying that I didn’t have a reason being in the sport and I was degrading the sport. When those negative things started to happen, I wish my father was there to give me the reinforcements that I needed.

I get up before the sun comes up, and I make myself some breakfast by myself. And I get in the car. And I’m driving to spring training. There’s no one out on the roads yet. And I look at the seat next to me and I see my dad. I talk to him. I think to myself. Pops, we’re doing this. We’re doing this together.


I’ve experienced a lot of coaches, but he gave me the understanding about life in a whole different frame.

It was as if everything he had ever accomplished had led Michael to this one moment. And in the final minute of the game, at the final minute of his career, he would need everything he had learned along the way.


Crowd gets tired. The moment starts to become the moment, you know, for me. Once you get in the moment, you know you’re there.when I saw that opportunity to take advantage of it, I never doubted myself, knowing that this was going to be the last opportunity to either win the game or lose it.


Ten years from now, twenty years from now, what I hear people saying or I want people to say, and it’s simple, that if Michael Jordan was still playing the game of basketball, he would dominate. No matter what happensin this business of basketball, if we didn’t get paid a dime, you still would play the game of basketball somewhere. Somewhere there’s a kid working, he won’t skip any steps, he will learn from my example, just as I have learned from others. There will be a player greater than me.


If you believe, I know you can. Make it happen for yourself. I can see it in your eyes. It’s in your hands. So don’t ever stop. This is your destiny. It’s meant to be for you to have what you want. So let all your dreams help you succeed to another way of life, the one you long for inside, the one you thought you’d never lead.



      本文标题:Michal Jordan to the Max
