Dynamic call functions
// function to call
function toCallFn() {
console.log('fn called');
const dynamicCallFn = { toCallFn };
Check is float string
if (!isNaN(value) && value.toString().indexOf('.') != -1) {
alert('value is float');
Add event listener with param
var param;
$selector.addEventListener("click", () => fn(param));
Remake: After adding event listeners, event functions will be triggered in sequence.
Map - Reduce
// To calculate total cost
let nums = [{cost: 20}, {cost: 10}]
let totalCost = nums.map(n => n.cost).reduce((sum, cost) => {
return sum + cost
}) // 30
Official documentation of reduce
How to check whether a DOM element has event listener?
Ans: No JavaScript function to do it. While you can add a boolean variable to to DOM element and use a boolean variable to check if it is true before adding another eventListener to it.
Get array min/max
var min = Math.min.apply(null, arr);
var max = Math.max.apply(null, arr);
Add/remove DOM element classname
// add class name
var $el = document.getElementById("div");
$el.className += " className";
// remove class name
$el.className = $el.className.replace(/\bclassName\b/,'');
Reference value variables !!!
a = [{'b': 1, 'c': 2}]
b = a.slice() // [{'b': 1, 'c': 2}]
b = b.map(e => {e.b += 1; return e}) // [{'b': 2, 'c': 2}]
a // [{'b': 1, 'c': 2}]
// a is changed as b is changed!!
// To prevent this
b = b.map(e => {e.b += 1; return Object.assign(null, e)});
Pass variables in object to function
When passing variables using { a, b, c }, in the receiving function, the variable name should be the same. e.g.
// call fn
fn ({a ,b c})
// define fn
function fn ({a, b, c}) { console.log('fn') }
// define fn in this way will give error
function fn ({first, second, third}) {}
For loop using forEach
When using forEach, it will loop over all items and will not stop with break
or return
Use logical operator to assign value
When use AND
/ &&
to assign value, if first is true, return value of the second operand; if first is false, return value of first operand.
// if originalVal is true, value === newVal
// if originalVal is false, value === originalVal
var value = originalVal && newVal;
if (value) {...}
true && "val"; // "val"
NaN && "anything"; // NaN
0 && "anything"; // 0
Get date range of a week
function getDateRangeOfWeek(date) {
let mon = date.getDate() - date.getDay() + 1;
let sun = mon + 6;
return {
monday: new Date(date.setDate(mon)),
sunday: new Date(date.setDate(sun)),
lastMonday: new Date(date.setDate(mon - 7)),
lastSunday: new Date(date.setDate(sun - 7))