The Gay Genius Chapter20

The Gay Genius Chapter20

作者: 夕夜Silence | 来源:发表于2017-12-28 22:57 被阅读0次

I. The central question

Q: What's the connection between Su Tungpo's personality and his painting art?

A: Lin Yutang use a chapter talk about the art of painting in ancient China. At first glance, we may assume that it doesn't appear revelant to Su Tungpo's political life. Some may even think that painting was just one of Su Tungpo's hobbies, which was not so important as his poetry. However, we maybe underestimated the art of painting and how it influenced the scholars in the Sung Dynasty. It is the common view that poetry was the central literature in early ancient China. However, it's quite different in the Sung Dynasty, because the scholars believed that painting was the top level of knowledge. Let me add that when ancient scholars talk about "knowledge", they mean learning, inner spirits and personality. That is the reason why Su Tungpo thought painting can reflected one's heart and spirits. So we could know Su Tungo more deeply through his painting and  calligraphy.

II. The sentences

1. Calligraphy provides the technique and aesthetic principles for Chinese painting, while poetry provides the spirit, the emphasis on tone and atmosphere, and the pantheistic delight in all the smells and colors and sounds of nature.

pantheistic   泛神性的


pantheistic delight在文中出现了两次,宋代画论讲求抽象神韵是建立在对自然界细致观察的基础上的,在观察的过程中融入诗人的喜怒哀乐,这是宋人独特的观物理念。

2. Here the Sung painters advanced one step further; in a painting, they tried not only to express the writer's impression or conception, but also the li or "inner spirit." 

advanced one step further   更进一步

3. Chinese paintings unconsciously express the oneness of man with nature and the essential unity of the great mystic procession of life in which the human being occupies but a small and transitory part.

oneness    a peaceful feeling of being part of a whole

the oneness of man with nature     天人合一

III. Thought



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