Love is just neuroscience? 2019-

Love is just neuroscience? 2019-

作者: Daniel11111 | 来源:发表于2019-05-14 23:34 被阅读0次

    crave for 渴求

    crave comfort and pleasure 

    neuroscience 神经科学

    nerve system 

    neurotransmitter 神经递质

    point to 指向,指的是

    Love acts on the brain in the same way addiction does, much like how people crave alcohol and nicotine


    Come again? 什么?(再说一遍,没听清,something is confusing to you)=pardon=sorry=what?

    dopamine 多巴胺

    the same brain region that produces dopamine lights up

    light up激活=stimulate 

    Not to mention all that obsessive thinking and separation anxiety

    obsessive 过度的

    be obsessed with= out of control 

    repetitive 重复的/ do something repetitively 

    bodily reactions, like butterflies in your stomach, weak knees = really nervous/ not settled 

    I've got butterflies in my stomach before my interview.  

    too afraid to make those decisions, he is just too weak knees 

    evolutionary roots 进化的根源

    dopamine fix 多巴胺满足

    What makes a relationship last?

    passion stage 激情阶段

    sex drive 性冲动/ impulse 

    romantic love is about focusing your mating energy on one person at a time

    thought experiment 

    mating season 交配季

    I'm not sure we can reduce something as complex and rich as love to brain systems

    reductionist 简化的= reduce it too far 

    love is many splendored things 美妙的事情= pretty wonderful and difficult to understand 

    share with someone something 

    procreate 生育

    fix 一剂让人满足的东西= a dose of something (chemical or drug)

    chocolate fix/ coffee fix (for guilty pleasure to the thing we love)

    academia 学术界

    trolley problem 电车难题

    bonding with one partner 

    mindless show 无聊的show= dull= boring 

    it does not make love any less enjoyable

    chemical reaction happened as the result of them

    we should say it up front 提前说

    be linked with something 

    so many variables 很多变量

    he drops the big question/ he does not waste any time 

    Even if the tickets were free, I still could not go to such a mindless show. 

    If our ancestors did not get that dopamine fix, then we might not be around today. 



        本文标题:Love is just neuroscience? 2019-
