

作者: vico | 来源:发表于2020-03-18 17:20 被阅读0次

When we write

Particularly about nature

The mountain

The wind

The flower

Most of time the words feels distant

No matter what techniques we use

We’re never there yet

It feels not enough

To deliver what it is

That we’re no more than observers

That the beautiful things we love is not talking to us

That they don’t see us as the way we feel about them

But I guess if you live in a mountain for a short while

Not until you really get it


Put away your thoughts

Open you senses

Take in the freshness

the flower, the wind, the mountain

All the picturesque thingy in front of you

will start to speak for itself

And you could finally hear them

The whisper, the singing, the rhythm

That you’re a channel they pass through

A passenger carrying their message

A dandelion spreading its seeds

They would tell you how they look like, smell like, touch like and feel like

Because in that moment

When they start to talk

Nothing else matters

you are not you

no longer exist

Not any more

You become one of them

Dance naturally to the greens

filled by the emptiness

And eternalized the moment


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