My frist English ice break

My frist English ice break

作者: 幸福树Jenny | 来源:发表于2019-04-14 21:27 被阅读0次

2019年4月13 和4月14日头马演讲俱乐部比赛



第一阶段: 根据演讲要求,确定演讲题目和内容

第二阶段:最好完成逐字稿, 可以提前思考大体上演讲内容。 稿子至少提前3天完成。 


第四阶段: 根据反馈确定最终稿子

第五阶段: 记忆演讲稿子

第六阶段: 上台表演稿子

第七阶段: 根据会议中的个评,语法官,哼哈官,时间官以及总评的点评,提炼出本次演讲中的优点以及日后可以精进的点。 




1. 上台不紧张  2. 稿子提前发给个评,进行了修订


1. 站着的时候晃来晃去,下次注意

2. 中间提到书名字的作者,说成了中文,除非达到搞笑的效果,尽量在英语稿子中不要使用中文

3. Pronounciation 发音不准需要多多纠正

                         A lifetime of growth

Hello everyone Good morning,I am Jenny. I come from An Hui province and I have worked for 8 years.Now I have a son ,he is 4 years old.I am glad to be an English ice breaker here. 

For the ice break, I should introduce myself but first I want to tell you a story.In the senior middle grade, in order to adapt to the high intensity of school life, I live in school dormitory.The first day, after cleaning up everything, my father and I took a rest, having some snacks. At that time, my roomie and her mother went to our dormitory.  I told to my roommate's mother. Do you need some snacks? She look at me in surprised and say no. Then I continued to eat my snack.

Last year, my father had a chat with my husband.He told my husband the story. I heard that I was am surprised I should have given snacks to my new roomie not her mother. For something, you think you are right, may be you are joke in others’ eyes. Everyone is not perfect, has their own advantages and disadvantages, and I wish I could get better and better.

I should read book more, yeah I like reading very much.Recently I have reading a book, called《New 100 basics》. My leader told us we should obey basic rules in the work. What are the basic rules for work or life ? Luckily, I am happy I find the answer from  book 《New 100 basics》. Now I recommend this book to you, which is written by Mitaro Isura.He thinks the so-called basic work is the basic life and the so-called basic life is the basic work. Besides,it encourages you improve yourself every day, refuse to work by rote,

observe people around during us;

Indeed, the new 100 basic is worth being read repeatedly, when reading the basics daily, it is easier for you to realize what to do, what not to do, where to improve, what you want to be, how you want to live, and so on

Second, I like observing things and thinking deeply. When you observe the things around you, you will own a bigger horizon. For example, you can improve work efficiency when you find new ideas. I like Yoga and have been practicing yoga for five years.

I am a  person liking reading, Yoku, observing and thinking A lifetime of study and a lifetime of growth, we Keep fit and keep improving and we will become a better person. Thanks 


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      本文标题:My frist English ice break
