FMDB 中的多线程处理

作者: UncleChen | 来源:发表于2016-05-13 09:39 被阅读2850次

    对于数据操作,最重要的一点就是数据安全的问题,在多线程中,线程安全是数据安全的首要前提,下面谈谈FMDB 是如何对多线程进行处理的。

    FMDB 单例中处理多线程

    我们都知道FMDB 一个简单的使用就是调用它的单例模式

    FMDatabase *db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:@"/tmp/tmp.db"];

    先创建个Person 表

    NSString *sql = @"create table person (identifier integer primary key autoincrement, name text, age integer);";
    BOOL success = [db executeStatements:sql];
    if (!success) {
        NSLog(@"error = %@", [db lastErrorMessage]);


    - (BOOL)insertIntoTablePerson:(FMDatabase *)db arguments:(NSDictionary *)arguments {
        BOOL success = [db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO person (identifier, name, age) VALUES (:identifier, :name, :age)"
        if (!success) {
            NSLog(@"error = %@", [db lastErrorMessage]);
        return success;


    dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();
    dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
    dispatch_group_async(group, queue, ^{
        NSInteger identifier = 0;
        NSString *name = @"Demon";
        NSInteger age = 20;
        NSDictionary *arguments = @{@"identifier": @(identifier),
                                    @"name": name,
                                    @"age": @(age)};
        if ([self insertIntoTablePerson:db arguments:arguments]) {
            NSLog(@"Demon 插入成功 - %@", [NSThread currentThread]);
    dispatch_group_async(group, queue, ^{
        NSInteger identifier = 1;
        NSString *name = @"Jemmy";
        NSInteger age = 25;
        NSDictionary *arguments = @{@"identifier": @(identifier),
                                    @"name": name,
                                    @"age": @(age)};
        if ([self insertIntoTablePerson:db arguments:arguments]) {
            NSLog(@"Jemmy 插入成功 - %@", [NSThread currentThread]);
    dispatch_group_async(group, queue, ^{
        NSInteger identifier = 2;
        NSString *name = @"Michael";
        NSInteger age = 42;
        NSDictionary *arguments = @{@"identifier": @(identifier),
                                    @"name": name,
                                    @"age": @(age)};
        if ([self insertIntoTablePerson:db arguments:arguments]) {
            NSLog(@"Michael 插入成功 - %@", [NSThread currentThread]);
    dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        NSLog(@"完成 - %@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        // 查询
        FMResultSet *s = [db executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM person"];
        while ([s next]) {
            int identifier = [s intForColumnIndex:0];
            NSString *name = [s stringForColumnIndex:1];
            int age = [s intForColumnIndex:2];
            NSLog(@"identifier=%d, name=%@, age=%d", identifier, name, age);
        [db close];


    2016-05-13 09:36:05.629 UCFMDBText[24362:2319873] The FMDatabase <FMDatabase: 0x7f8232c21f10> is currently in use.
    2016-05-13 09:36:05.629 UCFMDBText[24362:2319749] The FMDatabase <FMDatabase: 0x7f8232c21f10> is currently in use.
    2016-05-13 09:36:05.630 UCFMDBText[24362:2319873] error = not an error
    2016-05-13 09:36:05.630 UCFMDBText[24362:2319749] error = not an error
    2016-05-13 09:36:05.630 UCFMDBText[24362:2319758] Jemmy 插入成功 - <NSThread: 0x7f8232d07940>{number = 2, name = (null)}
    2016-05-13 09:36:05.633 UCFMDBText[24362:2319700] 完成 - <NSThread: 0x7f8232c081e0>{number = 1, name = main}
    2016-05-13 09:36:05.633 UCFMDBText[24362:2319700] identifier=1, name=Jemmy, age=25

    可以看到,三条插入语句分别开启了三个线程231987323197492319758,只有Michael 线程2319758 插入成功了,另外两条都提示了

    1. The FMDatabase <FMDatabase: 0x7f8232c21f10> is currently in use.
    2. error = not an error

    查看一下Person 表中的数据

    FMResultSet *s = [db executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM person"];
    while ([s next]) {
        int identifier = [s intForColumnIndex:0];
        NSString *name = [s stringForColumnIndex:1];
        int age = [s intForColumnIndex:2];
        NSLog(@"identifier=%d, name=%@, age=%d", identifier, name, age);

    结果,确实只有Michael 一条数据

    2016-05-12 22:14:25.445 UCFMDBText[21523:1631615] identifier=2, name=Michael, age=42

    所以,多线程时在FMDB 单例中操作同一张表是存在风险的,可能会造成数据丢失。


    FMDatabaseQueue 就是FMDB 为线程安全提供的解决方案。

    接着上面的例子,使用FMDatabaseQueue 代替单例再插入三条数据

    dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();
    dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
    dispatch_group_async(group, queue, ^{
        FMDatabaseQueue *queue = [FMDatabaseQueue databaseQueueWithPath:@"/tmp/tmp.db"];
        [queue inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {
            if ([db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO person VALUES (?, ?, ?)", @0, @"Demon", @20]) {
                NSLog(@"Demon 插入成功 - %@", [NSThread currentThread]);
    dispatch_group_async(group, queue, ^{
        FMDatabaseQueue *queue = [FMDatabaseQueue databaseQueueWithPath:@"/tmp/tmp.db"];
        [queue inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {
            if ([db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO person VALUES (?, ?, ?)", @1, @"Jemmy", @25]) {
                NSLog(@"Jemmy 插入成功 - %@", [NSThread currentThread]);
    dispatch_group_async(group, queue, ^{
        FMDatabaseQueue *queue = [FMDatabaseQueue databaseQueueWithPath:@"/tmp/tmp.db"];
        [queue inDatabase:^(FMDatabase *db) {
            if ([db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO person VALUES (?, ?, ?)", @2, @"Michael", @42]) {
                NSLog(@"Michael 插入成功 - %@", [NSThread currentThread]);
    dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        NSLog(@"完成 - %@", [NSThread currentThread]);
        // 查询
        FMResultSet *s = [db executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM person"];
        while ([s next]) {
            int identifier = [s intForColumnIndex:0];
            NSString *name = [s stringForColumnIndex:1];
            int age = [s intForColumnIndex:2];
            NSLog(@"identifier=%d, name=%@, age=%d", identifier, name, age);
        [db close];


    2016-05-13 09:19:42.149 UCFMDBText[24345:2307639] Michael 插入成功 - <NSThread: 0x7fb7dbd242d0>{number = 2, name = (null)}
    2016-05-13 09:19:42.216 UCFMDBText[24345:2307634] Jemmy 插入成功 - <NSThread: 0x7fb7dd820600>{number = 3, name = (null)}
    2016-05-13 09:19:42.301 UCFMDBText[24345:2307624] Demon 插入成功 - <NSThread: 0x7fb7dbc0b630>{number = 4, name = (null)}
    2016-05-13 09:19:42.301 UCFMDBText[24345:2307577] 完成 - <NSThread: 0x7fb7dd803300>{number = 1, name = main}
    2016-05-13 09:19:42.302 UCFMDBText[24345:2307577] identifier=0, name=Demon, age=20
    2016-05-13 09:19:42.302 UCFMDBText[24345:2307577] identifier=1, name=Jemmy, age=25
    2016-05-13 09:19:42.303 UCFMDBText[24345:2307577] identifier=2, name=Michael, age=42

    通过上面的运行结果可以看出三条insert 语句全部执行成功,并且分别在三个线程230763923076342307624中,相互之间并没有影响,可见FMDatabaseQueue 可以有效的保证其中执行sql 的线程安全。



      • hhgvg:我在后台请求数据 每一次请求回来 都存在本地数据库fmdb 有很多条请求 每次存的时候都会卡UI 怎么样才能不卡顿UI呢 试过很多异步 感觉还是会卡UI
        杀了人的地狱:1 第一种情况:.因为一般的网络数据分装,请求的回调已经返回主线程了,你这时候异步存储数据,开启了子线程,但是一般你界面上的等待页面会在数据返回后拿掉,这时候的现象就是,界面可以操作,如果你的数据是存储后,从存储的地方重新读取的,那么数据就会延迟才会展示。(解决方案,等待页面不移除,子线程存储,存储完成发通知到界面,界面从数据库中读取完成之后移除等待页面)
        focusHYD:@hhgvg 最后怎么解决的?
      • 乐视薯片:你好,为什么我在一个线程中还出现这样的问题呢?插入顺序1,2;结果数据库输出是2,1;有时候会出现这样的情况,我用的是FMDatabaseQueue,这是怎么回事呢
      • oneSmile:作者不严谨, FMDatabaseQueue是可以保证多线程同时操作,但是必须是用同一个FMDatabaseQueue对象进操作才能保证,否则会出现A正在操作D,B也操作D,B会遇到D被锁住的情况,这样的情况B会操作失败. 作者只用了3条数据测试,显然偶然性极高.并不具备代表性. 我用for循环1000次异步操作同一个数据,发现有几个操作遇到被锁住的情况,导致插入失败.
        caobug:@oneSmile 经测试,多个queue会休眠。项目用到了FMDatabaseQueue,美中不足的是每次都写block很麻烦,有FMDatabaseQueue和FMDatabase并存的解决方案吗?
      • Ths:如果需要做多个操作,比如查询 也要单独放一个子线程吗?

      本文标题:FMDB 中的多线程处理
