
作者: 麻衣野草 | 来源:发表于2024-02-15 15:35 被阅读0次

Maybe I catch a cold last night.

Since I got up this morning, I felt my throat was not comfortable.It was a little bit tight and sore.

The reason why I sickened suddenly maybe was the dog thing.

Last midnight, I was interrupted by the little dog when I was sleeping.She made the noise all the time, but I don’t know why.

So I checked her bottle whether remaining water.Then I added some water into her bottle.

Even though, she still making weird sounds.I couldn’t ask for my friend to helping me because the time it’s too late.

I tried to sleeping.But I didn’t  know when I fallen into sleep.When I awakened,it’s almost 10am.The weather is colder than yesterday, and my physical body didn’t feel good.

Fortunately, my friend will go back this afternoon. I am so looking forward to her arrival.I will be relieved  from the dog care.


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