religiously 虔诚的,十分认真的
In the Administration this minister is charge of registering regional religions.
fruitless 不结果实的,无结果的,不成效的
lament 为…感到悲痛,抱怨
sweet pea 香豌豆,也可以用来叫别人,往往是小孩
crawl 爬,缓慢进出
Step by step, the sleep creeper crawled into my sleeve to sleep.
naked 裸体的
straddle 跨坐
devour 吞食
By contesy of the mourner, he endeavors to devour the nourishing odour.
承蒙哀悼者同意, 他努力吞食滋养气味。
incapable 无能力的,不能胜任的
morally 道德上
The sore is orally ignored by the ignorant immoral man.
The immortal man's mortage can be a shortcut to resolve the food shortage.
bankrupt 破产的,完全缺乏的
Thanks to the bankrupt banker, my ankle avoid an injury.
多亏那位破产的银行家, 我的脚踝免受伤害。
demented 发狂的
nymphomaniac 情狂
ecstasy 狂喜,摇头丸
unfolding 展开,呈现
I would rather withhold than uphold you unfold the gold foil on the treshold.
resolve 解决
It's resolved by resolution that the solution will be used to solve the involved problem.
grace 优雅,天恩
I feel a trace of disgrace for the gracious man's embracing her bracelet.
condom 避孕套
hot 在这里指很帅、性感
true blue 忠贞不渝的,典型的
bitching 抱怨
absolute 绝对的
acceptance 接受
tangle up 缠结在一起
heroin 海洛因
naïve 天真
pomposity 虚夸
glide 滑行
saddled down 背重负
hip 时髦的
pompous 自负的
waitressing 做餐厅服务员(女的)
meandering 蜿蜒的,不着边际的
becoming 有点类似自我实现的意思
skeptically 怀疑的
Two suspicious aspects are suspected respectvely.
puffy 浮肿的,加衬里的
The puffy staff's stuffy chests are stuffed with sufficient suffering.
puppy love 早恋