C++ code standard

C++ code standard

作者: 郝炜 | 来源:发表于2022-08-03 17:26 被阅读0次

C++ version

Currently, code requires C++11 and above, i.e., should not use C++2x features, with the exception of designated initializers. The C++ version targeted by this guide will advance (aggressively) over time.

Do not use non-standard extensions.

Consider portability to other environments before using features from C++14 and C++17 in your project.

// Cmakelist.txt
target_compile_features(recharge PUBLIC cxx_std_17)

Header Files

Correct use of header files can make a huge difference to the readability, size and performance of your code.

//  Floder 

The #define Guard

All header files should have #define guards to prevent multiple inclusion. The format of the symbol name should be <PROJECT><PATH><FILE>H.

To guarantee uniqueness, they should be based on the full path in a project's source tree. For example, the file foo/src/bar/baz.h in project foo should have the following guard:

#ifndef FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_
#define FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_


#endif  // FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_

Include What You Use

If a source or header file refers to a symbol defined elsewhere, the file should directly include a header file which properly intends to provide a declaration or definition of that symbol. It should not include header files for any other reason.

Do not rely on transitive inclusions. This allows people to remove no-longer-needed #include statements from their headers without breaking clients. This also applies to related headers - foo.cc should include bar.h if it uses a symbol from it even if foo.h includes bar.h.

If foo.cc needs to call the symbol in bar.h
// foo.cc
# include bar.h  // Better

// foo.h
# include bar.h  // You can remove it

Forward Declarations

Avoid using forward declarations where possible. Instead, include the headers you need.

// In a C++ source file:
class B;
void FuncInB();
extern int variable_in_b;

Inline Functions

Define functions inline only when they are small, say, 10 lines or fewer.

inline auto create_test_configuration(/*.. add program options .. */) noexcept
    namespace di = boost::di;
    return di::make_injector(di::bind<std::string>().named(cea2045_path).to("/dev/null"),      //
                             di::bind<std::string>().named(rfid_reader_path).to("/dev/null"),  //
                             di::bind<int>().named(rfid_interrupt_device).to(0),               //


With few exceptions, place code in a namespace. Namespaces should have unique names based on the project name, and possibly its path. Do not use using-directives (e.g., using namespace foo). Do not use inline namespaces. For unnamed namespaces, see Internal Linkage.

namespace outer {
inline namespace inner {
  void foo();
}  // namespace inner
}  // namespace outer


Implicit Conversions

Do not define implicit conversions. Use the explicit keyword for conversion operators and single-argument constructors.

class Foo {
  explicit Foo(int x, double y);

void Func(Fo

Func({42, 3.14});  // Erroro f);

Access Control

Make classes' data members private, unless they are constants. This simplifies reasoning about invariants, at the cost of some easy boilerplate in the form of accessors (usually const) if necessary.

For technical reasons, we allow data members of a test fixture class defined in a .cc file to be protected when using Google Test. If a test fixture class is defined outside of the .cc file it is used in, for example in a .h file, make data members private.

class charger
    std::function<void()> event_handler;
    charge_controller&    m0;

    charger(charge_controller& m0);

    void run();


Inputs and Outputs

The output of a C++ function is naturally provided via a return value and sometimes via output parameters (or in/out parameters).

Prefer using return values over output parameters: they improve readability, and often provide the same or better performance.

Prefer to return by value or, failing that, return by reference. Avoid returning a pointer unless it can be null.

Parameters are either inputs to the function, outputs from the function, or both. Non-optional input parameters should usually be values or const references, while non-optional output and input/output parameters should usually be references (which cannot be null). Generally, use std::optional to represent optional by-value inputs, and use a const pointer when the non-optional form would have used a reference. Use non-const pointers to represent optional outputs and optional input/output parameters.

Avoid defining functions that require a const reference parameter to outlive the call, because const reference parameters bind to temporaries. Instead, find a way to eliminate the lifetime requirement (for example, by copying the parameter), or pass it by const pointer and document the lifetime and non-null requirements.

When ordering function parameters, put all input-only parameters before any output parameters. In particular, do not add new parameters to the end of the function just because they are new; place new input-only parameters before the output parameters. This is not a hard-and-fast rule. Parameters that are both input and output muddy the waters, and, as always, consistency with related functions may require you to bend the rule. Variadic functions may also require unusual parameter ordering.

int sum(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;
int& sum(int a, int b, int& s) {
    s = a + b;
    return s;
int s = 0;
int c = sum(1, 2, s);
c + 1 + 
void sum(int a, int b, const std::string& s, int* s, const std::optional<std::string>& i, std::optional<>) {
    *s = a + b;

int* sum(int a, int b, output, output2, ...) {
    if(a < 0 || b < 0)
        return nullptr;


const std::string& foo(const std::string& input) {
    std::cout << input <<std::endl;
    return input;

auto t = foo("foo");

Write Short Functions

Prefer small and focused functions.

We recognize that long functions are sometimes appropriate, so no hard limit is placed on functions length. If a function exceeds about 100 lines, think about whether it can be broken up without harming the structure of the program.

Even if your long function works perfectly now, someone modifying it in a few months may add new behavior. This could result in bugs that are hard to find. Keeping your functions short and simple makes it easier for other people to read and modify your code. Small functions are also easier to test.

You could find long and complicated functions when working with some code. Do not be intimidated by modifying existing code: if working with such a function proves to be difficult, you find that errors are hard to debug, or you want to use a piece of it in several different contexts, consider breaking up the function into smaller and more manageable pieces.

Ownership and Smart Pointers

Prefer to have single, fixed owners for dynamically allocated objects. Prefer to transfer ownership with smart pointers.

If dynamic allocation is necessary, prefer to keep ownership with the code that allocated it. If other code needs access to the object, consider passing it a copy, or passing a pointer or reference without transferring ownership. Prefer to use std::unique_ptr to make ownership transfer explicit. For example:

std::unique_ptr<Foo> FooFactory();
void FooConsumer(std::unique_ptr<Foo> ptr);

Do not design your code to use shared ownership without a very good reason. One such reason is to avoid expensive copy operations, but you should only do this if the performance benefits are significant, and the underlying object is immutable (i.e., std::shared_ptr<const Foo>). If you do use shared ownership, prefer to use std::shared_ptr.

Never use std::auto_ptr. Instead, use std::unique_ptr.


General Naming Rules

Optimize for readability using names that would be clear even to people on a different team.

Use names that describe the purpose or intent of the object. Do not worry about saving horizontal space as it is far more important to make your code immediately understandable by a new reader. Minimize the use of abbreviations that would likely be unknown to someone outside your project (especially acronyms and initialisms). Do not abbreviate by deleting letters within a word. As a rule of thumb, an abbreviation is probably OK if it's listed in Wikipedia. Generally speaking, descriptiveness should be proportional to the name's scope of visibility. For example, n may be a fine name within a 5-line function, but within the scope of a class, it's likely too vague.

class MyClass {
  int CountFooErrors(const std::vector<Foo>& foos) {
    int n = 0;  // Clear meaning given limited scope and context
    for (const auto& foo : foos) {
    return n;
  void DoSomethingImportant() {
    std::string fqdn = ...;  // Well-known abbreviation for Fully Qualified Domain Name
  const int kMaxAllowedConnections = ...;  // Clear meaning wit
hin context

class MyClass {
  int CountFooErrors(const std::vector<Foo>& foos) {
    int total_number_of_foo_errors = 0;  // Overly verbose given limited scope and context
    for (int foo_index = 0; foo_index < foos.size(); ++foo_index) {  // Use idiomatic `i`
    return total_number_of_foo_errors;
  void DoSomethingImportant() {
    int cstmr_id = ...;  // Deletes internal letters
  const int kNum = ...;  // Unclear meaning within broad scope

File Names

Filenames should be all lowercase and can include underscores () or dashes (-). Follow the convention that your project uses. If there is no consistent local pattern to follow, prefer "".

Examples of acceptable file names:

  • my_useful_class.cc
  • my-useful-class.cc
  • myusefulclass.cc
  • myusefulclass_test.cc // _unittest and _regtest are deprecated.

Type Names

Type names start with a capital letter and have a capital letter for each new word, with no underscores: MyExcitingClass, MyExcitingEnum.

// classes and structs
class UrlTable { ...
class UrlTableTester { ...
struct UrlTableProperties { ...

// typedefs
typedef hash_map<UrlTableProperties *, std::string> PropertiesMap;

// using aliases
using PropertiesMap = hash_map<UrlTableProperties *, std::string>;

// enums
enum class UrlTableError { ...

Variable Names

The names of variables (including function parameters) and data members are all lowercase, with underscores between words. Data members of classes (but not structs) additionally have trailing underscores. For instance:

a_local_variable, a_struct_data_member, a_class_data_member_.

Constant Names

Variables declared constexpr or const, and whose value is fixed for the duration of the program, are named with a leading "k" followed by mixed case. Underscores can be used as separators in the rare cases where capitalization cannot be used for separation.

const int kDaysInAWeek = 7;
const int kAndroid8_0_0 = 24;  // Android 8.0.0

Function Names

Regular functions have mixed case; accessors and mutators may be named like variables.

Ordinarily, functions should start with a capital letter and have a capital letter for each new word.


Namespace Names

Namespace names are all lower-case, with words separated by underscores. Top-level namespace names are based on the project name . Avoid collisions between nested namespaces and well-known top-level namespaces.


Comment Style

Use either the // or /* */ syntax, as long as you are consistent.

You can use either the // or the /* */ syntax; however, // is much more common. Be consistent with how you comment and what style you use where.

// this is comment
this is comment




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