# coding:utf8
File: hash_sha512.py
Auth: zsdostar
Date: 2018/4/12 17:12
Sys: Windows 7
__author__ = 'zsdostar'
import hashlib
def hyashi(pwd, wheels=0):
hyashi could hash any times for your request, however 500000 times may spend 1s, it's linear relation of time and times.
:param pwd: request password.
:param wheels: sha512 times.
:return: result after hyashi() the pwd for wheels times.
pwd = hashlib.sha512(pwd).hexdigest()
if not wheels:
return pwd
for _ in xrange(wheels):
pwd = hashlib.sha512(pwd).hexdigest()
return pwd
if __name__ == '__main__':
print hyashi('', 25000)