看图记单词 64

看图记单词 64

作者: 南塘小苑 | 来源:发表于2023-07-08 22:45 被阅读0次

get away

to leave a place, especially when this is not easy
to escape from someone who is chasing you or trying to catch you

I like to get away from London at the weekend.

The three men got away in a stolen car.

get across

to succeed in communicating an idea or piece of information to someone, or to be communicated successfully

He's not very good at getting his ideas across.

It took him ages to get his point across.

let in

allow to inter
If an object lets in something such as air, light, or water, it allows air, light, or water to get into it, for example because the object has a hole in it.

He opened the window to let in some fresh air.

let out

allow to leave
If something or someone lets water, air, or breath out, they allow it to flow out or escape.

You need to let some air out of those tyres.

lie down

a short rest, usually on a bed

I’m going upstairs to have a lie down.

put on

to put a piece of clothing on your body

He took off his uniform and put on a sweater and trousers.

I’ll have to put my glasses on; I can’t read the sign from here.

run away

to leave a place, especially secretly, in order to escape from someone or something
to try to avoid dealing with a problem or difficult situation
to secretly go away with someone in order to marry them or live with them

Toby ran away from home at the age of 14.

You can’t just run away from your responsibilities.

They ran away together to get married.

run into

to reach an amount of several hundred, several thousand etc

The cost of repairing the damage could run into millions.

go out

to spend time with sb and have a romantic relationship with them

They’ve been going out for two years now.

How long have you been going out together?

cut off

  • to separate something by cutting it away from the main part

One of his fingers was cut off in the accident.

  • to stop the supply of something such as electricity, gas, water etc

They were cut off for not paying their phone bill.

  • if a place is cut off, people cannot leave it or reach it

In winter, the town is often cut off by snow.


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      本文标题:看图记单词 64
