洗洗睡了 | 尝试用英文写一篇随笔

洗洗睡了 | 尝试用英文写一篇随笔

作者: Burke_liu | 来源:发表于2020-05-04 15:20 被阅读0次


As committed last night, I made a 3-stage jogging plan: v=3, v=5~7, v=9~10.Just as I completed the first 1 km and started to raise the speed to 5, I suddenly regretted to make the mixed-velocity.I was quite sure I would be energetic if it stayed on the level of 3, and that would be an excellent warm-up for the following POTATO(we'll call it "PTO" for short later) does. However, the Virgo jumped out and pushed me to speed up with the COMMITMENT BIBLE in my life-dictionary.

It went quite well.I kept stable breath pace during most of the second stage, and cant help panting heavily when I just ran passing my company buidling."Continue to carry on the last stage?Or not?"After thrice confirm, my final choice forced me to forget everything and just focus on accelerating.Faster and faster.I could feel the wind, the lamplight, and even the letters from pedestrian's mouths, hit my face. Although, the muscle kept yelling at me, I was totally enjoying that moment,with body and mind.

Generally speaking, the postulate works.It is true that planned jogging can avoid unexpected harm to body from mixed velocity.

Almost forgot!!I saw a Izakaya("居酒屋") by chance, which was less than 500m away from my house!!Yeah!!!!(Actually, I would have placed a more advanced word here. But...I failed to recall the exact letters...sad...)I am going to enjoy sushi tomorrow night!!!!

(Postscript Note: It took me double time to write the remaing part, even with the help of Youdao E-dictionary. As I often say, 'It is the first step that costs troublesome'. I'm quite curious about how long I can carry on like tonight, when I will choose to give up, and whether it can be one of my habits or not.)


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      本文标题:洗洗睡了 | 尝试用英文写一篇随笔
