Part 1 一些字词
原文:Justine appeared to relish their status even more than Musk.
朗文释义:to enjoy an experience or the thought of something that is going to happen 喜爱;享受
relish the prospect/thought/idea
例句:I don’t relish the thought of you walking home alone. 我可不想让你一个人走回家。
relish the chance/opportunity
He relishes the chance to play Hamlet. 他很高兴能有机会扮演哈姆雷特。
造句:I relish the opportunity to read the book online with more than 2000 people.
✏️heap...on sb & turn on sb
原文:Reporters who months earlier had been heaping adulation on Musk turned on him.
· 朗文释义:heap praise/insults etc on sb
to praise, insult etc someone a lot 对某人极力称赞/百般侮辱等
例句:He heaped all the blame on his secretary. 他把所有责任都推在秘书身上。
造句: He never heaps praise on his children.
· 朗文释义:turn on sb ( also 又作 turn upon sb )
to suddenly attack someone, using physical violence or unpleasant words 〔用暴力或恶毒语言〕突然攻 击某人
例句:Peter turned on Rae and screamed, ‘Get out of my sight!’ 彼得突然冲着雷尖叫起来:“从我面前滚 开!”
造句:Turning on him with cruel words made her feel guilty afterwards.
✏️coax & goad
·原文:Lee coaxed Musk into going to a club called Whisky Mist, in Mayfair.
朗文释义:to persuade someone to do something that they do not want to do by talking to them in a kind, gentle, and patient way 劝诱,哄;诱导
例句:‘Please, Vic, come with us,’ Nancy coaxed. “求你了,维克,跟我们一起去吧。”南希哄劝道。
用法:coax sb into/out of (doing) sth
例句:We had to coax Alan into going to school. 我们只好哄着艾伦去上学。
造句: My parents used to coaxed me into taking the medicine.
·原文:Lee set to work trying to goad Musk into a night on the town.
朗文释义:to make someone do something by annoying or encouraging them until they do it 驱使,唆使
→ provoke
用法:goad sb into (doing) sth
例句:Kathy goaded him into telling her what he had done. 凯茜逼着他把自己所干的事告诉了她。
造句: Somebody who is goaded into studying can never study well.
对比可以发现,两个词虽然都是Lee 劝 Musk 去俱乐部,夜总会,但是具体的劝法是不一样的,coax用“哄着去”的意味,“goad”有“拉着去”的感觉。
Part 2 一些感悟
个人感觉今天读的大部分与Elon Musk 的八卦有关。最主要的感想就是名人最好还是只在自己的领域出名就好,不要过多的暴露私人生活在公众面前。人们都是八卦的,也都是贪得无厌的,硅谷的人们也不例外。所以我个人觉得Elon的妻子写博客也是利用了人们想要窥探别人的生活,看到了还要看到更多的心理,有一部分的虚荣原因,之后也有一部分报复的原因,每天这样写着,让 Elon 那段时间也不好过。。