我喜欢的澳洲阿德人的六大特质 -中澳比较之人物篇What I l

我喜欢的澳洲阿德人的六大特质 -中澳比较之人物篇What I l

作者: 我的澳洲日记 | 来源:发表于2019-09-29 09:25 被阅读0次






    1. 澳大利亚作为一个孤立的岛国,与世界其他国家相距甚远,而且地广人稀。这无形中让此国孕育出了一种特别的社区文化:对合作与包容的提倡。

    2. 该国是一个多元文化的移民国家。较早的定居者搬到这里的原因就是为了能摆脱自己国家严格的等级制度,来寻求一个全新的开始。另外,当地人习惯了这种各种文化大熔炉,他们喜欢探索新颖而有趣的人,美食和娱乐。







    1. 与我们自古以来的传统礼仪系统密不可分。我们从小就被灌输,不能无缘无故地触摸他人的身体,尤其是男女之间授受不亲。


    2. 我们更倾向于通过行动来表达我们的爱,而不是用话语或肢体语言。例如,当我们用餐时,我们倾向于主动夹菜到家人或朋友的盘中。

















    我在学习时,为了提高英语,曾在等公车或坐公车时主动找人聊天,当然是搜寻那些看上去比较友好的人。如果你也想提高你的英文流利度,那我强烈推荐这种做法哈。你可能会担心,如果一个人拒绝与我交谈,那岂不是很尴尬?当然不。大不了换一个人就是啦。反正大家本来就不认识 :)请记住,既然在异国,就要充分利用这里的资源啊~



    Part 3

    In this post, I am going to focus on Adelaide people. From my observation, Adelaidians have the following characteristics:  

    · welcoming and friendly

    · expressive

    · direct

    · Lifelong learning

    · informal

    · lovers of the outdoors

    Welcoming and friendly (laid back)

    Initially, I felt very surprised when strangers greeted me on the street with a smile, “Hi, how are you?” I was wondering, “Oh, are they talking to me?” It took me a while to get used to it and started to act as the Romans do J One of my friends from Nepal shared a similar feeling with me. When she arrived here, her housemate came to talk to her on the first day. She thought, oh, she must have mistaken me for someone else. Later on, she realised, no, this is just the way that people show their friendliness.

    Also, people here like to make a positive comment about you, and that can come even from a stranger, “I like your dress!” “You have a lovely smile”. That really brought warmth to my life. And I learned to be more observant towards nice little things about people too. Seeing their happy faces after receiving my genuine comments also made my heart sing.

    Why do people behave like that then? Well, after research and consulting my lovely friends, I summarised two main reasons below:

    1. Australia is a big land with a small nation, far from the rest of the world. This developed a community culture within the nation: co-operative and inclusive.

    2. The country is a multicultural nation of immigrants. Earlier settlers moved to here for a fresh start and get away from the strict class system back home. Also, locals are used to high levels of immigration. They like novelty and interesting people, food and entertainment.  


    During my studies, I was so impressed by how confident and articulate my local classmates were during our discussions in class. One noticeable difference is they interrupt while another person is talking. Whereas in China, we don’t normally do that. Because that is considered to be rude. Therefore, a lot of times, I waited and waited, but I didn’t get a chance to talk in the end. That is a big learning curve for me. I was told that I need to speak up instead of waiting to be asked. I started to change, and become better and better. So if you resonate with this situation, please remember:

    Don’t worry. Just relax and be patient. Take baby steps, and you will get there eventually. Trust me :)

    Locals tend to say “thank you”, “please” and “sorry” a lot, and express their emotions verbally to one another (e.g., love and gratitude). Whereas we don’t say those much in China. We like to put love and appreciation in our hearts without showing them by words. If we do that, our friends will think we do not regard them as close friends. Politeness is more used among acquaintances. So if you are a newcomer to Australia, please use those words above more often. Otherwise, people might think you are a bit impolite. That’s why being aware of cultural difference is crucial.

    Being expressive is also shown in their body language. You will find a lot of hugs here. I still remember the first restaurant I went to, I had a lovely conversation with a waitress. Before leaving, she hugged me and kissed my cheeks. I got so shocked. I’ve never experienced that in China before. Back home, we are much more reserved. We don’t even hug or kiss our parents/friends, let alone strangers. We are really hanxu (restrained). People do not feel comfortable expressing emotions and feelings through intimate physical contact. You can also find that in sports too. Chinese people are usually better and more interested in individual sports with less body contact, such as badminton and table tennis.


    1. Digging into Chinese history, we have a traditional manner system called “Manner”(礼). That is, you do not touch other’s body without reason especially between a man and a woman. We have our own traditional way instead, such as bow (with hands folded in front) or handshake.

    2. We show our love through actions instead of intensely personal and intimate declarations. For example, when we dine out, we tend to cut the meat and bring it to our family/friends’ plates.

    However, I have started to like hugs more and become more expressive too. Because having physical contact with people can be very warm and loving. I remember once when I was feeling down, my friend said, “Let me give you a hug”, and she did. That really melted my heart, and I knew she had my back (showing caring for me).


    As a low-context country, Australian people are generally very direct. They tell you what they really think. Whereas in China (a high-context country), we need to put more efforts into guessing people’s real intentions. I definitely prefer the Australian directness, because by nature I am just not good at guessing. I think guessing can also create misunderstanding sometimes, because people have different interpretations. So it’s much better to let the other person know what you really mean/think.  When my friend and landlord first told me something I did that really upset her, I felt very confronted. But later on, I was pleased that she told me. Because otherwise, I would have never known she was unhappy with me. Being direct helps to build a harmonious relationship in the long term.

    Why are we so different?

    I think because our values differ. China values collectivism while Australians are more into individualism. Therefore, in China, to be ambiguous helps to maintain the harmonious relationship and prevent a loss of face. For example, not knowing the answer to a question loses face. So it’s the listener’s responsibility to draw meaning from the speaker by posture, expression and tone of voice. However, in Australia, the speaker has the prime responsibility to make their message understood to their listeners. Therefore, ‘Do you understand what I mean’ is a very commonly asked question here. Also, when doing a  presentation in Australia, PREP- point, reason, example, reiteration of a point is extremely recommended to make communication clearer for everyone.

    Lifelong learners

    I met two people on my campus. Initially, I thought they must be professors, but I found out actually they were like me, just starting uni too. They have already retired, but because they always wanted to study, they decided to make it happen. That really impressed me, because, in China, that is not very common. People at that age normally spend a lot of time taking care of their grandchild.     


    Slippers (flip-flops in particular) are commonly seen people wear on the streets. What about at home? Barefoot, even in their backyard. I do like that, as you become so close to nature, and you are able to touch the energy inside the ground. However, I haven’t gotten used to that yet J.

    Lovers of the outdoors

    It’s so common to see people jogging on the street, going hiking with their family during weekends, or playing volleyball on the beach. So energetic, and I love seeing that spirit. My friends were so surprised to find out I didn’t know how to swim. Here, it’s a compulsory skill to acquire at school.

    Do you know?

    Glenelg is also the first beach I’ve ever been in my life. But I am catching up, and that makes life exciting ahead :)

    My Change

    In China, we were told that should never speak to a stranger, because you do not want to get tricked. However, here, I have been the one to initiate the conversations with people who I don’t know.

    Do you know?

    To improve my English, I initiated the conversations while I was waiting for my bus or on the bus. It is very helpful for your English fluency. Highly recommended J If a person refuses to talk to you, so what? Change to another person. You didn’t know either of them anyway J Remember, to make the most of your experience here.

    What’s next?

    I am going to discuss Australian etiquette and some stories related to their interesting slang. Meanwhile, if you have any interesting stories happened in Australia or different insights, welcome to share with me. I would love to hear :)



          本文标题:我喜欢的澳洲阿德人的六大特质 -中澳比较之人物篇What I l
