So, How Is the Weather?---商业即兴46

So, How Is the Weather?---商业即兴46

作者: 祥祥布鲁斯 | 来源:发表于2020-05-03 08:47 被阅读0次

    So, How Is the Weather?那么,天气如何?

    A final point, which ties in with something that came up in the last chapter: it’s all right for teams to have some fun. In 2000 when my company was just starting and improv was not as prevalent either in the public consciousness or in the business mind, the very idea of “business improv” seemed like something goofy without any hope of  tangible outcomes. Why? I think primarily because improv was associated with comedy, laughter, and—gasp—fun.


     Now, with EQ and behavioral psychology becoming ever-hotter topics of corporate conversation, “fun” is not entirely taboo anymore. This is further illustrated in the evolution of the dress code of corporate America. Just 20years ago most business executives showed up to work wearing a business suit. Then, as the dot-com companies grew, high-powered leaders like Bill Gates lost the tie and wore a dress shirt, blazer, and dress slacks to work every day. That then morphed to dress shirts and nice jeans and dress shoes. 

    现在,随着情商和行为心理学成为企业对话中越来越热门的话题,“乐趣”不再完全成为禁忌。美国公司着装规范的演变进一步说明了这一点。就在20年前,大多数企业高管都穿着西装出席了工作。然后,随着互联网公司的发展,比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)等有才能的领导者们失去了领带,每天都穿着衬衫,西装外套和休闲裤。然后变成了衬衫,漂亮的牛仔裤和皮鞋。

    Now, in 2016, some billionaire leaders wear hooded sweatshirts, T-shirts, and shorts to work.


    The corporate dress-code evolution coincides with the rise of  Gen-Y and Millennials, who demand a different type of corporate culture than baby boomers did. Many of corporate America’s future leaders want a relaxed work environment and fun is a mandate! Remember, having fun does not mean you are not productive or successful. Look at any current listings of “the best places in America to work.” Twitter, SAS, Google, and Facebook (to name a few) are all incredibly successful, powerful billion-dollar companies, and they are also fun companies to work at. 


    People—serious people—can see a measurable business benefit to workers enjoying a bit of levity,connecting on a more human level through laughter, and otherwise relaxing a bit within the workplace. Not every business day involves the heaviest of lifts, and not every job has to be approached as if lives were on the line. Even in jobs where lives are on the line, there has to be a balance between stress and relaxation. Firefighters have family barbecues, and navy fighter pilots play volleyball. That’s all part of building the team chemistry that becomes crucial when there is a heavy lift.


    The bottom line: being part of a team shouldn’t feel like a burden.Your team should be a place where you can work just as hard and smart as you would on your own, with the added benefit that you are supported by others working just as hard and smart. If your job involves teamwork and you want to do well at your job, then knowing how to commit and contribute to a team is simply part of getting your job done well.Next, with your exceptional team assembled, let’s put it to work at one of the most common collaborative team endeavors: a brainstorming session.




          本文标题:So, How Is the Weather?---商业即兴46
