Quora | What are your 10 laws of

Quora | What are your 10 laws of

作者: Quora文选 | 来源:发表于2019-02-15 08:15 被阅读2次

    Aishah Hannan, BSc Psychology, Top Writer, QPCA Nominee.
    Updated Nov 13
    24k Views · 1.4k Upvotes

    1. Learn how to be domestic.
    2. Always look presentable and smell fresh. This includes keeping the nails clean because the women love it.
    3. Know the difference between love, lust and infatuation. Learn how to control your desires.
    4. Never throw a punch unless it's absolutely necessary.
    5. When angry, sit down and hold onto your tongue. The tongue may a small organ but it can cause the largest of damages.
    6. Never play mind games. If you like them, you will tell them. If they reject you, thank the lord for saving you from a future heartbreak.
    7. Cry. It's okay to cry.
    8. Respect people until that respect is broken.
    9. If you're going through a hard time, speak to someone. Don't keep your emotions bottled in.
    10. Be a family man and be charitable.


    • domestic: of the home, household or family 家庭的; 家务的: She's very domestic, ie prefers home life to going out, or is good at and likes cooking, housework, etc. 她非常喜欢家庭生活(深居简出或善於烹饪、做家务等)。
    • presentable: adj. fit to appear or be shown in public 拿得出去的; 像样的; 体面的: He's got dozens of suits but not one of them is presentable. 他有几十套衣服,却没有一套像样的。
    • infatuation: n. 迷恋、醉心;
    • throw a punch: 出拳打架,出拳;
    • punch: 打孔器、穿孔机、冲床;(用拳的)一击、一拳;用拳猛击(某人[某物]);
    • family man: man who has a wife and children, and enjoys home life 有妻室儿女并喜欢家庭生活的男子;
    • charitable: generous in giving money, food, etc to poor people (给穷人钱、食物等)慷慨的, 慈善的;kind in one's attitude to others 宽厚的; 慈爱的;



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