Love:How can I stop thinking about him?
I'm deeply in love, and I can't stop thinking about him all day. This drives me crazy. How can I stop thinking about him, knowing that he most likely doesn't like me back and only sees me as a friend/sister?
Margaret Weiss, 18 year old with 20 years of experience
Here's a funny anecdote for you:
A husband is tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep and this does not let his wife fall asleep.
She asks him what's wrong.
He responds, "I owe money to our neighbor, the loan is due tomorrow but I can't pay it".
She picks up the phone and calls their neighbor, "Sorry to bother you so late but my husband can't pay that loan back tomorrow" and hangs up.
Then she turns to her husband,"There, I fixed it. You can go to sleep in peace now, let the neighbor stay awake tossing and turning in his bed"
The moral of the story is that you need to fight fire with fire: let your feelings be known.
You will either get a positive response and your life can become better;or you will get a definitive "No" and you can start the healing process.
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
anecdote:short, interesting or amusing story about a real person or event 轶事, 逸闻(关於真人真事的短小有趣的事)
anecdotal:adj.anecdotal memoirs 轶事录
toss and turn:n. 辗转反侧、翻来覆去难以入睡;
n. practical lesson that a story, an event or an experience teaches (故事的)寓意、(事情或经历所含的)教训;
adj. concerning principles of right and wrong behaviour; ethical 道德的、伦理的;
adj.teaching or illustrating good behaviour 道德教育的、有教育意义的;
fight fire with fire:以毒攻毒、以其之道还治其身;
inevitable:that cannot be avoided; that is sure to happen 不可避免的、必然发生的; 难免的: an inevitable disaster 不可避免的灾难;
optional:adj. that may be chosen or not, as one wishes; not compulsory 可选择的、随意的、非强迫的: optional subjects at school 学校的选修课;