People who are powerful but uncharismatic will tend to be disliked. Their power makes them a target for criticism that they don't have the charisma to disarm. That was Hillary Clinton's problem. It also tends to be a problem for any CEO who is more of a builder than a schmoozer. And yet the builder-type CEO is (like Hillary) probably the best person for the job.
I don't think there is any solution to this problem. It's human nature. The best we can do is to recognize that it's happening, and to understand that being a magnet for criticism is sometimes a sign not that someone is the wrong person for a job, but that they're the right one.
拥有权力但没有魅力的人,会导致不被喜欢。权力让他们成为被批评的对象,并且由于缺少魅力而不会使这种批评减轻。这是希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的问题。对于任何一位更像是建设者而非交际者的首席执行官来说,这往往也是一个问题。然而,建造者类型的CEO(就像希拉里一样)可能是这个工作的最佳人选。
文/保罗·格雷厄姆 2017年1月