1. [ doctor ]
原句:I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine in the University of London.
2. [ very ]
原句: I am the very man for him.
其他例子: He killed the very person that he loved.
3.[ cry ]
原句:“Really!” I cried.
4. [ wing ]
原句:A small side-door opened into a wing of the great hospital.
【今日讲义 】
1.In the year 1878, I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine in the University of London, and proceeded to Netley to go through the course arranged for doctors in the army.
「take one’s degree of」是“获得……的学位”的意思。比如,华生获得了“Doctor of Medicine”(医学博士)的学位。值得注意的是,此处的“Doctor”不是常见含义“医生”,而是“博士”哦~
Netley,一般叫做Netley Abbey,是英国汉普郡南部海岸的一个村子。在维基百科里输入这个地名,你会发现这个村子的旁边曾经有一座叫做the old Royal Victoria Military Hospital(老皇家维多利亚军事医院)的地方,也叫Netley Hospital,这所医院建于克里米亚战争时期(1853~1856年),使用时间粗略计算大约是从1863年到第二次世界大战期间,所以Watson这里说1878年他去完成的这个军医的课程,很有可能就是在这里哦~
2.So alarming did the state of my finances become that I soon realized that I must either leave the city and move to the country, or make a complete change in my style of living.
这是一个非正常语序的句子哦,正常语序应该是:The state of my finances became so alarming that I soon realized that I must either leave the city and move to the country, or make a complete change in my style of living.
3.If he really wants someone to share the rooms and the expense, I am the very man for him. I should prefer having a partner to being alone.
very一般是放在形容词前表示“非常、很”,这个大家都很熟悉,但very也可以放在名词前面表示强调“恰好是,正是”这类含义,比如这里的I’m the very man for him,即可理解为“我就是他要找的那个人”。类似表达还有比如:He killed the very person that he loved. “他杀的正是他爱的那个人。”
4.A fellow who is working at the chemical laboratory up at the hospital.
很多同学问为什么这里要有一个「up」, 「up」在这里是一个副词,华生跟Stamford一起去福尔摩斯的Lab找他,他们要上到医院上面去,因此这里「up」表示一个方位状态“在上面”。
5.“Why, what is there against him?”
此处是「against him」是“不利于他,他的负面”的意思,华生想知道Stamford为何只说“福尔摩斯不是一个’constant companion’,而不进一步解释”的原因。所以询问Sth against Sherlock Holmes(关于福尔摩斯的负面消息)。
6.I am not strong enough yet to stand much noise or excitement. I had enough of both in Afghanistan to last me for the rest of my life.
「had enough to last」是说华生受够了阿富汗军旅生活的嘈杂与激情,不愿意在这种氛围中度过余生。
7.I know nothing more of him than I have learned from meeting him occasionally in the laboratory.
「nothing more of him than」 这个结构意思是“仅仅,只,不过是”。
8.“It seems to me, Stamford,” I added, looking hard at my companion( 同伴 ), “that you have some reason for washing your hands of the matter.
「wash one's hands of the matter」这里不是洗手的意思,而是“撇清关系”,这句话大意为:似乎有些原因想让你跟这件事撇清关系。因为Stamford知道福尔摩斯不好相处,所以在跟华生介绍他之前先打好预防针,跟华生讲好如果跟福尔摩斯搞不好可不要怪他哦~ 哈哈哈,可爱的Stamford。
9.I could imagine his giving a friend a little pinch of some drug he had discovered, not out of ill-will, you understand, but simply out of a spirit of inquiry—in order to have an accurate idea of the effects.
Stamford在介绍Sherlock的时候说他完全可以想象Sherlock给朋友吃点儿他发现的药,不是出于恶意(ill-will),而仅仅是出于探索精神(a spirit of inquiry),为了对于药效有一个精确的了解。
这里的“his giving ……”是“所有格+doing”的形式,表“他的行为”之意。我们还可以说“Do you mind my opening the window?”(你介意我开窗么”)
inquiry是“探究、质询”的意思。BBC旗下有一个广播,叫The Inquiry,是个很有意思的节目,经常会探讨一些政治、社会、科学方面的热点话题,iPhone上有一个APP叫Podcast(播客)上面可以订阅这个节目,BBC官网上也可以下载和收听。
10.When it comes to beating the bodies in the dissecting-rooms with a stick, it is certainly taking rather a strange shape.
「When it comes to」固定搭配,在这里是“当提及到”的意思。注意to后面直接加名词或名词性短语,而不是不定式。
第二个「it」指的是前文的“a passion for definite and exact knowledge”,在此处Stamford是说福尔摩斯极度追求知识的精确性,甚至达到了诡异的地步(鞭尸)。
「take shape」是“形成”的意思。在这里理解为:事情就变的很诡异。
· proceed to do 继续做
· go through 完成
· attempt to do sth 尝试做……
· tap sb. on the shoulder 轻拍某人的肩膀
· not care of sb. 不喜欢某人
· as far as I know 据我所知
· have no idea 不知道
· intend to do sth 打算做……
· get on / along with sb. 与某人相处融洽
· hold sb. responsible 要某人负责
· wash one's hands of the matter 撇清关系
· to be fair 说句公道话
· when it comes to sth 提及……