

作者: 刘宝钱 | 来源:发表于2019-03-02 22:31 被阅读1次

Don't you love a good nap?
Just stealing away that small block of time to curl up on your couch for that sweet moment of escape. It's one of my favorite things, but something that I took for granted before I began experiencing homelessness as a teenager.

The ability of take a nap is reserved for stability and sureness. something you can't find when you're carrying everything you own in your book bag and carfully counting the amount of time you're allowed to sit in any given place before being asked to leave.

...left out and invisible each night. There wasn't and still is not any place for homeless minor ti walk off the street to access a bed.

I would sit on my favorite bench downtown and watch as the hours passed by until I could sneak in a few hours f sleep on couches, in cars, in buildings or in storage units. I like thousands of other homeless youth, disapeared into the shadows of city while the whole world kept spining as nothing at all had gone terribly wrong.

The invisibility alone almost completely broke my spirit. But when I have nothing else, I had the arts.
上面的英文是今天的TED练习的部分文稿,一个关于Homelessness and invisibility 的群体的演讲。最后有这样一段
And so the youth out there experiencing homelessness, let me tell you, youhave the power to build within you. You have a voice through the arts that doesn't judge what you've been through.


  • 2018-11-13


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