Still super at 52: Super Bowl
① Many worry about the decline of America's National Football League.
② TV ratings are down.
③ There are serious concerns about the health of players due to concussions.
④ Refereeing controversies and replay reviews annoy fans—even the simple question of whether a ball was caught has become absurdly befuddling.
⑤ But all that will be forgotten on Sunday when the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles play in Super Bowl 52.
⑥ Ratings should be strong.
⑦ The Patriots have become one of the most famous franchises in the world, beloved or hated by millions.
⑧ The television ads should be entertaining, as traditional rivals like Coca-Cola and Pepsi pay an average of $10m per minute of airtime.
⑨ And if the bookmakers have it right, Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and head coach Bill Belichick will win a record sixth Super Bowl together.
⑩ Whether or not the NFL is in decline, the Super Bowl is definitely not.
Super Bowl: 超级碗
NFL: National Football League 国家橄榄球联盟
AFL: American Football League 美国橄榄球联盟
ratings: n. 收视率(rating /ˈreɪtɪŋ/ 的复数形式)
concern /kənˈsəːn/: n. 担忧
concussion /kənˈkʌʃ(ə)n/: n. 脑震荡
referee /rɛfəˈriː/: vi. 作为裁判 n. 裁判
reply review: 重播;复看
absurdly /əbˈsəːdli/: adv. 极其
befuddle /bɪˈfʌd(ə)l/: vt. 让人迷惑
franchise /ˈfran(t)ʃʌɪz/: n. (职业)球队;特许经销商
airtime /ˈɛːtʌɪm/: n. 广告时间;节目播放时间
bookmaker /ˈbʊkmeɪkə/: n. 赌注登记人
quarterback /ˈk(w)ɔːtəbak/: n. 四分卫