人都喜欢舒服懒散的生活,都不喜欢辛苦劳累,大部分人就是顺从屈服于此,普普通通一生然后走向坟墓。我可以说是上天眷顾,到现在都没有费很大的力气。现在一切才刚刚开始 - 我来这是为了什么?学本领,实现自己的价值。one life time, 得过且过是混给谁看呢?
无论是怎么走上银行这条路,事实是我已经在这,是上天眷顾命运指引,我该好好珍惜。这是一份养活自己的工作,也将是一份我要倚仗的实现人生价值的平台。银行系统-实体经济紧密相关,它有意义也可以锻炼个人能力,收入可观。transaction banking/corporate banking是一个非常好的地方,可以有expertise可以为client add value,还有好的work/life balance.
轮岗定岗不要太焦虑,做好该做的事情 - 好好工作arm myself with a good package of skills,talk to people, 表达自己的兴趣,最后去哪都是水到渠成自然而然。如果我自己懒散没追求,去最好的组也没用,只能是适应不了节奏浪费资源;去一个看似不起眼的组,两年好好积累,以后照样不会被埋没。
After make the choice (to be a banker), you must dedicate everything to this business.
好的工作习惯和生活习惯相辅相成。首先保证好身体,早睡早起,坚持锻炼,规律健康饮食。做一个morning person.
6:45-6:50 起床,洗脸刷牙,吃两片面包。7:10出门
7:15-7:45 跑步半小时,期间听BBC新闻。
7:45 冲澡,吹头发,换衣服,化妆。
8:15从健身房出来。8:30到, plan一天。
7:00走 (6:30-7:00总结一天)。如果有事情要due, 做到7:30。不要拖沓,提高效率。
8-10自己的时间。放松休息,不再想工作。读书,听音乐,学modelling一个小时。10:00开飞行模式,洗漱,准备第二天的衣服。10:30-11:00 不刷手机,看书,睡觉。
Over the past several months, it has become clear to me that if there is no drastic change in the lab, Poo lab will soon cease to be a productive, first-rate lab that you chose to join in the first place. Lab progress reports over the past six months have clearly shown the lack of progress in most projects.one year ago, when we first moved to Berkeley, I expressed clearly to everyone my expectation from each one in the lab.
The most important thing is what I consider to be sufficient amount of time and effort in the lab work. I mentioned that about 60 hr working time per week is what I consider the minimal time an average successful young scientist in these days has to put into the lab work. There may be a few rare lucky fellows like Florian, who had two Nature papers in his sleeve already, can enjoy life for a while and still get a job offer from Harvard. No one else in the lab has Florian's luxury to play around.Thus I am imposing strict rules in the lab from now on:
Everyone works at least 50 hr a week in the lab (e.g., 8+ hr a day, six days a week-Sunday). This is by far lower than what I am doing every day and throughout most of my career. You may be smarter or do not want to be successful, but I am not asking you to match my time in the lab.
- Working time: 8-hour is unpractical. There is NO way for a banker to work only 8 hours a day!
- Go to your mother’s house for afternoon tea and never come back!
- Start your morning work not later than 8:30 am and afternoon work no later than 1 pm.
- Don't surf over the Internet for non-business related purposes. Make the most use of time at office!
- Reading newspapers should be limited less than 30 min a day.
- Checking phone for personal issues are not permitted in the office.
- If you are absent from the lab more than one hour, get permission first.
- Everyone has personal business, but the business always has priority unless in emergency.
- In this business, an “average” student who works seven days a week is definitely more productive than a “genius” who works five days a week 在这行里,每周只工作5天,即使是天才,也比要低于比一个工作7天的资质平平的人还要差。
- If you are able to make any major progresses by working 8 hours a day and 5 days a week, every fortunate in this world must be on your side!