Git rebase & Git rebase undo

Git rebase & Git rebase undo

作者: JaedenKil | 来源:发表于2018-01-17 15:44 被阅读13次

git rebase is basically git merge, but in a different way.
From a repo, I :

  • create a branch issue_adjust_threshold
  • adjust the threshold
  • make a commit Adjust the threshold
  • push to remote with git push --set-upstream origin issue_adjust_threshold
  • make a pull request

But on PR page it tells me there is a conflict . So I check the commit history and find out the other case owner has made two commits to master branch. I need to do git rebase.

  • git checkout master, checkout to master branch
  • git pull, update master branch
  • git checkout issue_adjust_threshold, checkout to issue_adjust_threshold branch
  • git rebase -i master, rebase master to issue_adjust_threshold
  • git tells there are conflicts with a file xxx/MainTest.java
  • fix the conflict, git add xxx/MainTest.java
  • git commit -m "Adjust the threshold"
  • git push -f

If some rebase doesn't work well, this can undo it:

git reflog 
git reset --hard HEAD@{n}

Refer to:rebase 01, rebase 02, resolve conflict 01, resolve conflict 02, resolve conflict 03, undo rebase.



    本文标题:Git rebase & Git rebase undo
