
作者: Hongtao洪滔 | 来源:发表于2019-04-20 19:06 被阅读0次
    top view of ground during daytime

    image source from unsplash by Stijin te Strake

    之前的文章介绍了用动态规划(DP: Dynamic Programming)求解最优MDP的理论。DP求解最优MPD有两个方法,一是策略迭代(Policy Iteration),另一个就是值迭代(Value Iteration)。本篇文章就用Python编程实践这个理论。



    1. 策略迭代(Policy Iteration)

    策略迭代求解MDP需要分成两步,第一步是策略评估(Policy Evaluation),即用Bellman等式评估当前策略下的MDP值函数,直到值函数稳定收敛;第二步是根据这个收敛的值函数迭代策略,最终获得最佳MDP。

    这里还是以前文的格子世界(Grid World)为例:

        T  o  o  o
        o  x  o  o
        o  o  o  o
        o  o  o  T
    • 机器人在4x4的格子世界中活动,目的地是左上角或者右下角。

    • x为机器人现在所在地位置(状态S)

    • 机器人的行动A有四个方向 (UP=0, RIGHT=1, DOWN=2, LEFT=3)。

    • 目的地外,其他地方的奖励(reward)都为"-1"

    1.1 策略评估(Policy Evaluation)

    首先"/ilb/envs"目录下已经将Grid World环境搭建好了,其中

    S 是一个16位的向量,代表状态0到15。env.nS 可以得到所有的状态数(16)。

    A是一个4位的向量,代表行动方向0到3。env.nA 可以得到行动数量(4)。

    policy 是一个16 x 4 的矩阵,代表每个状态s下,改行动a的概率(action probability)

    调用env.P[s] [a]可以得到一个list 包括(prob, next_state, reward, done),注意这里的prob是状态转移概率.


    def policy_eval(policy, env, discount_factor=1.0, theta=0.00001):
        Evaluate a policy given an environment and a full description of the environment's dynamics.    
            Vector of length env.nS representing the value function.
        # Start with a random (all 0) value function
        V = np.zeros(env.nS)
        while True:
            delta = 0
            # For each state, perform a "full backup"
            for s in range(env.nS):
                v = 0
                # Look at the possible next actions
                for a, action_prob in enumerate(policy[s]):
                    # For each action, look at the possible next states...
                    for  prob, next_state, reward, done in env.P[s][a]:
                        # Calculate the expected value. Ref: Sutton book eq. 4.6.
                        v += action_prob * prob * (reward + discount_factor * V[next_state])
                # How much our value function changed (across any states)
                delta = max(delta, np.abs(v - V[s]))
                V[s] = v
            # Stop evaluating once our value function change is below a threshold
            if delta < theta:
        return np.array(V)

    该部分代码参考github with MIT license

    这里涉及到多个循环,最外层"while"循环是迭代循环;第一个"for"循环是遍历所有状态;第二个'for‘循环是遍历该s的policy,得到a 和 action probiliby;最里层的'for'循环最为重要,调用的是Bellman Equation

     v += action_prob * prob * (reward + discount_factor * V[next_state])


    random_policy = np.ones([env.nS, env.nA]) / env.nA
    v = policy_eval(random_policy, env)
    --V output--
    Grid Value Function:
    [[  0.         -13.99993529 -19.99990698 -21.99989761]
     [-13.99993529 -17.9999206  -19.99991379 -19.99991477]
     [-19.99990698 -19.99991379 -17.99992725 -13.99994569]
     [-21.99989761 -19.99991477 -13.99994569   0.        ]]

    该部分代码参考github with MIT license

    1.2 策略改进(Policy Improvement)


    这里需要创建帮助函数,one step lookahead,看看在该状态下不同的行动获得的状态函数是多少,同样使用了Bellman Equation

        def one_step_lookahead(state, V):
            A = np.zeros(env.nA)
            for a in range(env.nA):
                for prob, next_state, reward, done in env.P[state][a]:
                    A[a] += prob * (reward + discount_factor * V[next_state])
            return A

    该部分代码参考github with MIT license

    接着,将策略评估得到的值函数带入"one_step_lookahead"得到不同行动下的状态函数。选择"获利"最大的行动,将这个行动的action probablity设为"1",其他action设为"0" , 这样即完成了策略改进。最后通过迭代可获得最佳策略和最佳值函数。

    policy = np.ones([env.nS, env.nA]) / env.nA
        while True:
            # Evaluate the current policy
            V = policy_eval_fn(policy, env, discount_factor)
            # Will be set to false if we make any changes to the policy
            policy_stable = True
            # For each state...
            for s in range(env.nS):
                # The best action we would take under the currect policy
                chosen_a = np.argmax(policy[s])
                # Find the best action by one-step lookahead
                # Ties are resolved arbitarily
                action_values = one_step_lookahead(s, V)
                best_a = np.argmax(action_values)
                # Greedily update the policy
                if chosen_a != best_a:
                    policy_stable = False
                policy[s] = np.eye(env.nA)[best_a]
            # If the policy is stable we've found an optimal policy. Return it
            if policy_stable:
                return policy, V

    该部分代码参考github with MIT license

    运行policy_improvement 函数得到收敛的最佳策略和最佳值函数。

    policy, v = policy_improvement(env)
    Reshaped Grid Policy (0=up, 1=right, 2=down, 3=left):
    [[0 3 3 2]
     [0 0 0 2]
     [0 0 1 2]
     [0 1 1 0]]
    Reshaped Grid Value Function:
    [[ 0. -1. -2. -3.]
     [-1. -2. -3. -2.]
     [-2. -3. -2. -1.]
     [-3. -2. -1.  0.]]

    2 值迭代(Value Iteration)


    2.1 值更新


        V = np.zeros(env.nS)
        while True:
            # Stopping condition
            delta = 0
            # Update each state...
            for s in range(env.nS):
                # Do a one-step lookahead to find the best action
                A = one_step_lookahead(s, V)
                best_action_value = np.max(A)
                # Calculate delta across all states seen so far
                delta = max(delta, np.abs(best_action_value - V[s]))
                # Update the value function. Ref: Sutton book eq. 4.10. 
                V[s] = best_action_value        
            # Check if we can stop 
            if delta < theta:

    该部分代码参考github with MIT license

    2.2 策略更新

    "one_step_lookahead"中最大值对应的行动a,即为新策略的a,action probability 设为"1",其他action 设为'0'

        policy = np.zeros([env.nS, env.nA])
        for s in range(env.nS):
            # One step lookahead to find the best action for this state
            A = one_step_lookahead(s, V)
            best_action = np.argmax(A)
            # Always take the best action
            policy[s, best_action] = 1.0

    该部分代码参考github with MIT license

    运行value_iteration 函数得到与policy iteration相同的最佳策略和最佳值函数。

    policy, v = value_iteration(env)
    Reshaped Grid Policy (0=up, 1=right, 2=down, 3=left):
    [[0 3 3 2]
     [0 0 0 2]
     [0 0 1 2]
     [0 1 1 0]]
     Reshaped Grid Value Function:
    [[ 0. -1. -2. -3.]
     [-1. -2. -3. -2.]
     [-2. -3. -2. -1.]
     [-3. -2. -1.  0.]]


    [1] Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (2nd Edition)

    [2] David Silver's Reinforcement Learning Course (UCL, 2015)

    [3] Github repo: Reinforcement Learning




    AI学习笔记——动态规划(Dynamic Programming)解决MDP(1)

    AI学习笔记——动态规划(Dynamic Programming)解决MDP(2)

    AI学习笔记——MDP(Markov Decision Processes马可夫决策过程)简介






