1 Peter 3:13–17 |
彼得前书3:13-17 |
13 Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? 14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. 17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil. |
13 如果你们热心行善,有谁能害你们呢?14 就算你们要为义受苦,也是有福的。不要怕人的恐吓,也不要畏惧。15 只要心里尊基督为圣,以他为主;常常作好准备,去回答那些问你们为甚么怀有盼望的人,16 但要用温柔敬畏的心回答。当存无愧的良心,使那些诬赖你们这在基督里有好品行的人,在毁谤你们的事上蒙羞。17 如果 神的旨意是要你们受苦,那么为行善受苦,总比为行恶受苦好。 |
Suffering has a purpose. We may not know God’s purpose, we may not understand the purpose, and we may not like the purpose, but God uses suffering in the life of the believer for good. Our passage this morning, and others like it throughout the Bible, are like sandpaper upon our modern thinking and sensibilities towards suffering. |
受苦是有意义。也许我们不知道神的旨意,也许我们不理解这个旨意,也许我们不喜欢这个旨意,但是神在信徒的生命中使用苦难是为了他们的益处。我们今天早上的这段经文,以及整本圣经中其他类似的经文,就像砂纸一样打磨着我们现代人对苦难的想法和敏感度。 |
• James 1:6–7 “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” |
雅各书1:2-3“我的弟兄们,你们遭遇各种试炼的时候,都要看为喜乐;因为知道你们的信心经过考验,就产生忍耐。” |
• 2 Corinthians 1:8–9 “We do not want you to be unaware, brothers, of the affliction we experienced in Asia. For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead.” |
哥林多后书1:8-9“弟兄们,我们在亚西亚遭受的患难,我们很想让你们知道。那时我们受到了过于我们所能忍受的压力,甚至活下去的希望都没有了,而且断定自己是必死的了;然而,这正是要我们不倚靠自己,只倚靠那叫死人复活的 神。” |
Peter corrects our faulty way of thinking. Most of us—if we’re honest—think or perhaps act as though our suffering is the worst thing in the world. It’s not. It is a common experience of most Christians across the centuries. What Peter wants to address is how we should go about suffering. |
彼得纠正我们的错误思想。我们中的大多数人—如果我们诚实的话—认为或者也许表现得好像我们的痛苦是世界上最糟糕的事情。实际上它不是。这是千百年来大多数基督徒的共同经历。彼得要解决的是我们应该如何去受苦。 |
The challenge is that we hate suffering and want it to end right away, want it to go away, and want to be removed from painful or difficult situations or circumstances. But Peter reminds his readers again, that suffering is a normal part of the Christian life. |
挑战在于,我们讨厌苦难,希望它马上结束,希望它消失,希望从痛苦或困难的境况中脱离出来。但彼得再次提醒他的读者,受苦是基督徒生活的常态。 |
We’re in the middle of a larger section in the letter. The first section of the letter was highlighting the identity of God’s people (1:1-2:10). The second section is how God’s people are to live godly lives (2:11–4:11). In the first half of that section he called them to honorable social behavior to authorities, as slaves, and as Christian wives and husbands, with a concluding word on righteous living last week. |
我们现在到了这封信中较大部分的半中间。这封信的第一部分是强调神子民的身份(1:1-2:10)。第二部分是关于神的子民如何过敬虔的生活(2:11-4:11)。在该部分的前半,他呼召他们对当局、作为奴隶、作为基督徒妻子和丈夫都要有端正的社会行为,上周还对公义的生活作了总结。 |
From 3:13–4:11 is the latter half where Peter draws out how believers are to think about suffering unjustly for the name of Christ. Peter has concern for his readers, like a shepherd seeing his frightened sheep, hearing the howls of wolves in the distance, and reassuring them that they do not need to fear. That howling in the distance is all bark and no bite. This section, from 3:13 to 4:11 is reassurance for believers because of Christ’s victory and our assured vindication with Christ. |
从3:13到4:11是后半段,彼得引出了信徒要如何为基督的名受冤屈之苦的思想。彼得关心他的读者,就像牧羊人看到受惊的羊,听到远处狼的嚎叫,安慰他们不必害怕。那远处的嚎叫,只闻其声,不见其咬。从3:13到4:11这部分是对信徒的保证,因为基督的得胜和我们确定无疑地将与基督一同昭雪。 |
This morning, our passage focuses on suffering for doing good, and how believers are to respond in the midst of that experience of suffering. What do we do? How does a faithful Christ follower respond to unjust suffering? |
今天早上,我们这段经文的重点是为行善而受苦,以及信徒在受苦的过程中如何回应。我们该怎么办?一个忠心的基督跟随者如何回应不公正的苦难? |
The main point of this passage is that believers are blessed to suffer with Christ, and to respond with a fearless, Christ-honoring hope. Very simply, Peter is saying suffering for the sake of Jesus is a blessing, and not curse. This is what you were called to, and you are not to shrink back, withdraw, or compromise on Christ’s call on your life. But in addition to just understanding that they are blessed, they are also to respond with a fearless, Christ-honoring hope. |
这段经文的主要意思是,信徒与基督一同受苦是有福的,且当以无畏、尊崇基督的盼望来回应。很简单,彼得是说为耶稣的缘故受苦是祝福,而不是诅咒。这是你所受的呼召,你不能在基督对你生命的呼召上退缩、撤离或妥协。但不仅只是明白自己是有福的,还要以无畏的、尊崇基督的希望来回应。 |
Peter’s aim is for his readers to be ready to give a defense for why they are trusting in Jesus. When suffering comes, stand firm in the true grace of God, and allow that steadfastness overflow from your heart and head to your mouth for the good of others. |
彼得的目的是让他的读者做好准备,为他们为什么信靠耶稣而辩护。当苦难来临时,要在神的真恩典中站稳,让那份坚定从你的心头溢出,到你的口中,为别人造福。 |
My plan is to walk through the passage by asking two main questions which I think this text answers for us, and then conclude with application. |
我的计划是通过提出两个主要的问题来梳理这段话,我认为这段经文为我们解答了这些问题,然后以应用来结束。 |
1. How are believers to think about suffering? (3:13–14a, 17) |
1. 信徒该如何看待苦难?(3:13–14a, 17) |
a. As a blessing |
a.是祝福 |
b. As God’s will & for a purpose |
b. 是神的旨意,是有目的的 |
2. How are believers to respond to suffering? (3:14b–16) |
2. 信徒应如何应对苦难?(3:14b–16) |
a. Get a fearless fear of Christ |
a.获得对基督无畏的敬畏 |
b. Be ready to make a defense for your hope |
b. 准备好为你的盼望辩护 |
QUESTION 1: How are Believers to THINK about Suffering? (3:13–14a, 17) |
问题1: 信徒该如何看待苦难?(3:13–14a, 17) |
13 Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? 14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. |
13 如果你们热心行善,有谁能害你们呢?14就算你们要为义受苦,也是有福的。 |
17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil. |
17 如果 神的旨意是要你们受苦,那么为行善受苦,总比为行恶受苦好。 |
As a Blessing |
是祝福 |
Last week Pastor Nowlin helped us to see that we are to return blessing for reviling to obtain a blessing. We also saw from Psalm 34 that God’s eyes are on the righteous, but his face is against those who do evil. |
上周诺林牧师帮助我们看到,我们要以祝福还咒骂,以获得祝福。我们也从诗篇34篇中看到,神的眼目看顾义人,但祂的脸反对那些作恶的人。 |
Here in verse 13, Peter is connecting back and making an inference from that previous passage. He poses the rhetorical question “Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good?” (1 Peter 3:13). The implied answer is “no one!” Because if you’re zealous for good, and God’s face shines upon you, there is no harm that will befall you. |
在13节这里,彼得是与前面那段经文联系起来进行推论。他提出了一个反问“如果你们热心行善,有谁能害你们呢?”(彼得前书3:13)隐含的答案是“没有人!”因为你若热心行善,神的脸光照着你,就不会有害处临到你。 |
Peter highlights the proverbial truth that those who do good don’t typically suffer harm. Proverbs 12:2 says, “A good man obtains favor from the LORD, but a man of evil devices he condemns.” Doing good begets God’s favor, but doing evil gets punishment. That is a general proverb of life: if you do good, you’ll have few, if any, enemies. The emphasis throughout the letter has been that Christians ought to be zealous for good. |
彼得强调了一个箴言式真理:行善的人一般不会受到伤害。箴言12:2说:“良善的人必得到耶和华的恩宠;图谋奸计的人,耶和华必把他定罪。”行善会得到上帝的眷顾,但作恶会受到惩罚。这就是生活中的一般性谚语:仁者无敌。在整封信中,一直强调的是基督徒应该热心行善。 |
But Peter concedes this point in the verse 14, “But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed.” He concedes because the very occasion for Peter’s letter is because his readers are experiencing accusations, slander, maligning, insults, threats, and other hostility. Peter’s readers certainly saw this later during Nero’s rule where Christians were impaled and burned alive for their faith. But what is surprising is that Peter states believers are blessed to suffer for doing good. This is precisely what we saw last week: “bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing” (1 Peter 3:9). |
但彼得在第14节中承认了这一点:“就算你们要为义受苦,也是有福的。”他承认,因为彼得书信的情境,正是因为他的读者正在经历指责、诽谤、恶意、侮辱、威胁和其他敌意。彼得的读者当然在后来尼禄统治时期看到了这一点,基督徒因为信仰被钉死和活活烧死。但令人惊讶的是,彼得说信徒因行善而受苦是有福的。这正是我们上周所看到的:“倒要祝福,因为你们就是为此蒙召,好叫你们承受福气。”(彼得前书3:9)。 |
This is in line with Jesus’ words in the Beatitudes, “10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:10–12). |
这与耶稣在“八福”中说的话是一致的:“10 为义遭受迫害的人有福了,因为天国是他们的。11 人若因我的缘故辱骂你们,迫害你们,并且捏造各样坏话毁谤你们,你们就有福了。12 你们应该欢喜快乐,因为你们在天上的赏赐是大的;在你们以前的先知,他们也曾这样迫害”(马太福音5:10-12)。 |
Blessing comes not in the experience of suffering itself. Enduring pain isn’t more godly. Suffering becomes blessing because we are identifying with Christ. It’s a little like the question, “If you were arrested and put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” If there isn’t—in looking at how you conduct yourself, your use of time and money, how you share your faith with others—then we need to examine ourselves. |
祝福不是在苦难本身的体验中产生的。忍受痛苦并不是更敬虔。苦难变成祝福,是因为我们与基督认同。这有点像这样一个问题:“如果你因为是基督徒而被逮捕并接受审判,是否有足够的证据给你定罪?”如果没有—看看你如何行为,你对时间和金钱的使用,你如何与他人分享你的信仰—那么我们就需要检查自己。 |
I remember as a young person having doubts about my faith. How do I really know that I’m a Christian? Like how do I really know if this is my faith, or if this is just the way I was raised? It came down to, do I really believe it in such a way that I’m even willing to suffer for it? Am I willing to endure mocking or scorn to pray before a meal? Am I willing to endure awkwardness and embarrassment to share my faith? Am I willing to sacrifice a summer internship to go on a missions trip? Mocking or scorn for our faith is evidence that I’m really walking in the pathway of obedience! Just like the apostles who rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer with Christ. |
记得年轻时,我对自己的信仰有怀疑。我怎么才能真正知道自己是个基督徒?就像我怎么知道这就是我的信仰,抑或只是我被这样教养成人而已?归根结底是,我真的相信到这样一个地步,甚至愿意为它受苦吗?我愿意忍受嘲笑或蔑视而坚持谢饭祷告吗?我愿意忍受尴尬和难堪来分享我的信仰吗?我愿意牺牲暑期实习的机会去参加短期宣教旅行吗?人若嘲笑或蔑视我们的信仰,就是证明我真的走在顺服的道路上!就像使徒们欢喜他们被认为配与基督一同受苦一样。 |
Peter’s makes the point that no earthly suffering—as long as you’re suffering for the sake of Jesus—can compromise your eternal destiny, living hope, and heavenly inheritance. In fact, it confirms our eternal destiny. Furthermore, earthly suffering purifies us (testing the genuineness of our faith) and prepares us to take hold of that blessing. |
彼得提出了这样一个观点:任何地上的苦难—只要你是为了耶稣的缘故而受苦—都不能损害你永恒的命运、永活的盼望和天上的基业。事实上,它证实了我们永恒的命运。此外,地上的苦难净化我们(检验我们信仰的真实性),并为我们抓住那祝福做好准备。 |
Peter reframes suffering from what the society is telling his readers—it is God’s absence and punishment—to the truth of the matter, namely that suffering means you are rightly following Jesus in the pathway of Calvary. |
彼得将社会所告诉他的读者的—苦难是神的缺席和惩罚—重构为事实的真相,即苦难意味着你是正确地跟随耶稣走在加略山的道路上。 |
As God’s Will & For a Purpose |
是神的旨意,是有目的的 |
Peter reinforces this in 1 Peter 3:17, which reads, “For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil.” This suffering is according to God’s will, God’s design. And the suffering believers ought to experience is for righteous deeds, not for doing evil. Peter wants to make sure that Christians don’t misinterpret the opposition they experience if they are just acting shamefully. This is reminder that if we’re suffering because we’re jerks, we do not honor God and it is not blessing. |
彼得在3:17中强化了这一点:“如果 神的旨意是要你们受苦,那么为行善受苦,总比为行恶受苦好。”这种痛苦是按照神的旨意,神的设计。而信徒应该经历的苦难,是为了义行,不是为作恶。彼得要确保基督徒不要误解他们所遭遇的反对,如果他们只是表现得很可耻。这是在提醒我们,如果因为我们是混蛋而受苦,我们就不是在尊重神,这就没有祝福。 |
Additionally, Peter says “it is better” to suffer while doing good means so that believers will not suffer punishment from God on that final day. Instead, believers’ suffering is a “light momentary affliction [that] is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians 4:17). |
另外,彼得说“更好”是在行善的同时受苦,这样信徒就不会在末日受到神的惩罚。相反,信徒的苦难是“短暂轻微的患难,是要为我们成就极大无比、永远的荣耀。”(哥林多后书4:17)。 |
And if we go back to 1 Peter 2:12, we know that “it is better” to be a righteous sufferer because it has a purpose. 1 Peter 2:12 sets forth the hope that unbelievers will see these good deeds and glorify God! Later in our passage, believers suffer so that we can make a defense of the hope that dwells within us. This has the same purpose from 1 Peter 2:12 in view. Righteous suffering is an opportunity to display the treasure that is Jesus Christ. What can explain missionaries that travel across the world to share the good news, at great personal expense and with the threat of death? Only because Jesus is worth it. |
如果我们回到彼得前书2:12,我们就知道,做一个义人受苦“更好”,因为它有一个目的。彼得前书2:12提出了希望,希望不信的人看到这些善行,并荣耀神!在我们这段经文的后面,信徒受苦,使我们可以为住在我们里面的盼望作辩护。这与彼得前书2:12的目的是一样的。为义受苦是展示耶稣基督这个珍宝的机会。有什么可以解释宣教士们为了分享好消息,不惜付出巨大的个人代价和死亡的威胁,走遍世界?只因为耶稣值得。 |
So how are believers to think about suffering? Believers are see that righteous suffering is a blessing, and for a greater purpose according to God’s will. One amazing and glorious reality is that suffering, for the believer, is never meaningless according to a sovereign God. Nothing is ever in vain with a sovereign God. No maligning, fiery trials, challenges, or hardships that you might experience is meaningless. Instead, God redeems it and uses it for his purposes. |
那么,信徒该如何看待苦难呢?信徒要看到,公义的苦难是一种祝福,而且是为了按照神的旨意达到更大的目的。一个惊人而荣耀的现实是,对信徒来说,苦难从来都不是没有意义的。这意义是主宰万有的神所规定的。在主宰的神面前,没有什么是徒然的。你可能经历的任何恶意、炙热的考验、挑战和困难都不是没有意义的。相反,神却救赎它,为祂的目的而使用它。 |
QUESTION 2: How are Believers to RESPOND to Suffering? (3:14b–16) |
问题2: 信徒应如何应对苦难?(3:14b–16) |
Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, 15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. |
不要怕人的恐吓,也不要畏惧。15 只要心里尊基督为圣,以他为主;常常作好准备,去回答那些问你们为甚么怀有盼望的人,16 但要用温柔敬畏的心回答。当存无愧的良心,使那些诬赖你们这在基督里有好品行的人,在毁谤你们的事上蒙羞。 |
Peter now turns to the implications of this way of thinking. If righteous suffering is blessed, then this is how you are to respond in the midst of suffering. I think there are two main ways believers are to respond to suffering: |
彼得现在转而谈这种思维方式的含义。如果说为义受苦是祝福,那么你在苦难中就应该这样应对。我认为信徒对苦难的回应主要有两种方式: |
(1) Get a fearless fear of Christ |
(1)获得对基督无畏的敬畏 |
(2) Be ready to make a defense for your hope |
(2)准备好为你的盼望辩护 |
Fearless Fear of Christ |
基督无畏的敬畏 |
This phrase “Have no fear of them, nor be troubled,” could be translated “do not be afraid of what these people threaten,” referring back to those who intended to do harm to believers. This is a quote from Isaiah 8:12, and he had previously cited Isaiah 8:14 back in 1 Peter 2:8 about the stone of stumbling and the rock of offense. |
“不要怕人的恐吓,也不要畏惧。”这句话回指那些意图伤害信徒的人。这是引用以赛亚书8:12,他之前在彼得前书2:8中就曾引用以赛亚书8:14,说到绊脚的石头和使人跌倒的磐石。 |
The context of Isaiah 7 and 8 is important to understand how Peter is citing the use of this text. The Southern Kingdom of Judah was threatened by the Northern Kingdoms of Israel and Syria, and wanted to dispose Ahaz, the king of Judah. Turn with me to Isaiah 7. See in Isaiah 7:2 where it says “the heart of Ahaz and the heart of his people shook as the trees of the forest shake before the wind.” They are full of fear. But Isaiah is told to say to them not to fear in Isaiah 7:4 “Be careful, be quiet, do not fear, and do not let your heart be faint because of these two smoldering stumps of firebrands…” Isaiah promises Ahaz that God will deliver Judah from Ephraim (the Northern kingdom) and Syria, providing a sign to show God’s faithfulness and how he will keep his promise. |
了解以赛亚书七章和八章的上下文对于理解彼得如何引用这段文字是很重要的。南方的犹大王国受到北方的以色列国和叙利亚王国的威胁,想废黜犹大王亚哈斯。请和我一起翻到以赛亚书第7章。看以赛亚书7:2说:“王的心和人民的心就都震动,像林中的树被风摇动一样。”他们充满了恐惧。但在以赛亚书7:4中以赛亚被神告知要去告诉他们不要害怕:“你要谨慎,要镇定,不要因亚兰王利汛和利玛利的儿子这两个冒烟的火把头所发的怒气而害怕……”以赛亚向亚哈斯保证说神要从以法莲(北国)和叙利亚手中拯救犹大,并要给一个兆头,显示神的信实,及其如何信守诺言。 |
Then in Isaiah 8:11–13 God commands the people to not fear. Look with me at Isaiah 8:11–13. |
然后在以赛亚书8:11-13中神命令百姓不要害怕。请和我一起看以赛亚书8:11-13: |
11 For the Lord spoke thus to me with his strong hand upon me, and warned me not to walk in the way of this people, saying: 12 “Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread. 13 But the Lord of hosts, him you shall honor as holy. Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.” |
11 耶和华以大能的手托住我,教导我不要走这子民所走的道路;他对我这样说:12 “这子民所称为阴谋的,你们都不要称为阴谋;他们所怕的,你们不要怕,也不要畏惧。13 你们要尊万军之耶和华为圣,他是你们当怕的, 也是你们当畏惧的。” |
The kingdom of Judah is to overcome their knee shaking, hand quivering, and voice trembling fear with a greater fear and reverence. See the greatness of God and fear him only. Isaiah 8:13 says, “Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.” Overcome fear with a bigger fear. Or to put it another way, the way to overcome fear is to have a bigger, stronger power to trust in. Believers don’t need to fear threats from people, because we know God is bigger, stronger, and more fearsome. So the same way King Ahaz and Judah are to overcome the fear of invasion from powerful nations is to realize that God is more powerful. |
犹大国要以更大的畏惧和敬畏来克服让他们的腿颤手抖声战栗的恐惧。看见神的伟大,单单敬畏祂。以赛亚书8:13说:“他是你们当怕的,也是你们当畏惧的。”用更大的畏惧来战胜恐惧。或者换一种说法,克服恐惧的方法就是要相信一个更大、更强的力量。信徒不需要害怕别人的恐吓,因为我们知道神更大、更强、更可怕。所以亚哈斯王和犹大国要克服强国入侵的恐惧,同样是要认识到神更有能力。 |
Peter applies this to his readers in the same way. Don’t fear those who seek to do you harm, but revere God because he is much greater. Be in awe of God. Live in reverence to Yahweh. In a sense, they are to fear the displeasure of disobeying God over the displeasure of their enemies or those who seek to do them harm. |
彼得以同样的方式将这一点应用到他的读者身上。不要惧怕那些想伤害你的人,要敬畏上帝,因为祂更伟大。要敬畏上帝。活在对耶和华的敬畏之中。从某种意义上说,他们要惧怕违背神的不悦,而不是惧怕仇敌或那些企图伤害他们的人的不悦。 |
This is precisely what Jesus states in Matthew 10:28–31. It says, “[28] And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. [29] Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. [30] But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. [31] Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:28–31). It’s stunning how in the same breath he says stop fearing things that aren’t worth fearing. All they can do is kill the body. You ought to fear and revere God who can condemn you to hell forever. And then in the very next breath he reiterates not God’s fearsome wrath, but his profound love and care even for the sparrows, and how God’s children are of much greater worth than sparrows. Therefore, fear not. |
这正是耶稣在马太福音10:28-31中所说的。它说:“[28] 那些杀身体却不能杀灵魂的,不要怕他们;倒要怕那位能把灵魂和身体都投入地狱里的。[29] 两只麻雀不是卖一个大钱吗? 但你们的父若不许可,一只也不会掉在地上。[30] 甚至你们的头发都一一数过了。[31] 所以不要怕,你们比许多麻雀贵重得多呢”(马太福音10:28-31)。令人惊异的是,他竟然也异口同声地说,不要再害怕那些不值得害怕的东西了。他们所能做的无非就是杀死身体。你应该敬畏尊崇上帝,只有祂可以判你永远下地狱。然后紧接着,祂重申的不是上帝可怕的愤怒,而是祂深沉的爱和关怀,甚至是对麻雀的爱和关怀,以及上帝的儿女如何比麻雀更有价值。因此,不必害怕。 |
This is best illustrated by children and parents. Most children know that their parents love them. But that love doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. You can’t be disrespectful or rude to your mom and dad. Children should have a healthy reverence towards their parents, but that doesn’t diminish the parent’s love at all. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was imprisoned by the Nazis, said, “Those who are afraid of men have no fear of God, and those who fear God have no more fear of men.”1 |
这用孩子和父母来打比方最合适。多数孩子知道他们的父母是爱他们的。但这种爱并不意味着你可以为所欲为。你不能不尊重父母,或粗鲁地对待父母。子女对父母应该有健康的敬畏之心,但这丝毫不减父母的爱。被纳粹囚禁的迪特里希-邦霍费尔说:“怕人的人不怕神,怕神的人更不怕人”。 |
The second implication, now stated positively, is they are to—instead of fear—honor Christ the Lord as holy in their hearts. As you can see, this is also citing Isaiah 8:13, where it says “But the Lord of hosts, him you shall honor as holy.” This further confirms the context of Isaiah 7–8. Don’t fear lesser fears, but fear God and revere him above all else. There is to be an inner heart disposition of honor and respect towards God. But Peter changes some of the wording from “him you shall honor as holy” to “honor Christ the Lord as holy.” Jesus Christ is identified as Yahweh, the Lord of the Old Testament. Believers are to live to display Jesus’ lordship over their lives. |
第二重含义,现在是正面说的,就是他们要—而不是恐惧—在心中尊主基督为圣。你可以看到,这也是引用以赛亚书8章13节,其中说:“你们要尊万军之耶和华为圣。”这进一步证实了以赛亚书7-8章的背景。不要惧怕较小的恐惧,而要敬畏神,敬畏祂高于一切。内在的心性中对神要有一种尊崇和崇敬。但彼得把一些措辞从“你们要尊他为圣”改为“尊主基督为圣”。耶稣基督被认定为旧约中的主耶和华。信徒要活出耶稣对他们生命的主权。 |
Be Ready to Defend Your Hope |
准备好为你的盼望辩护 |
The second way to respond to righteous suffering is to “be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” This is not just a formal defense like apologetics or a courtroom setting, but rather when believers are spontaneously asked about their faith, they should be ready to give an answer. This implies a number of things: |
应对为义受苦的第二个方面是“作好准备,去回答那些问你们为甚么怀有盼望的人”。这不仅仅是像护教辩论或法庭那样的正式辩护,而是当信徒被自发地问及信仰问题时,他们应该随时做好回答的准备。这意味着几件事情: |
(1) Believers are living in such a way that other people see our good behavior. |
(1)信徒的生活方式是让别人看到我们的好行为。 |
(2) Believers’ good behavior is simulating curiosity in those around us. |
(2)信徒的好行为是在激起我们周围人的好奇心。 |
(3) Believer’s good behavior communicates a hopefulness. |
(3)信徒的好行为传达了一种盼望。 |
(4) Believer’s good behavior will solicit questions about it. |
(4)信徒的好行为会招致质疑。 |
(5) Believers’ will be ready to answer when asked. |
(5)信徒们被问到时,要准备好随时回答。 |
Do we live in such a way that others can see our good behavior? Not because we want accolades or praise. We are to persevere in good conduct and awaken in others a curiosity about Christ. They are to see our hope, which is often used as a synonym of faith in 1 Peter. Believers possess an evangelistic and apologetic power when they persevere through unjust suffering. Are you ready to respond when you get comments or questions? |
我们的生活方式是否能让别人看到我们的好行为?不是因为我们想要荣誉或赞美。我们要坚持良好的行为,唤醒别人对基督的好奇心。他们要看到我们的盼望。这在彼得前书中常被用作信心的同义词。当信徒在不公正的苦难中坚忍的时候,他们就拥有了传福音和护教的能力。当你得到评论或被问问题时,你是否已经做好了回应的准备? |
(1) Why are you always so positive and hopeful? |
(1)为什么你总是那么积极,充满希望? |
(2) You just always seem so unflappable when things get tough. |
(2)当事情变得艰难时,你总是显得那么镇定。 |
(3) I sure wish I had some of your perspective on life. |
(3)我真希望能有你的一些人生观。 |
(4) I can’t understand how you’re just so happy all the time? |
(4)我不明白你怎么就一直这么开心呢? |
(5) You just seem like you have it all together. |
(5)你看起来就好像已经拥有了一切。 |
This defense is to be given with gentleness and respect. When we rightly revere God, we don’t need to be brash, angry, fearful, or anxious when others ask us about our faith, but rather we can defend the faith with gentleness and respect. Our demeanor and attitude is to be gentle. Unfortunately, apologetics experts often have the stereotype of being arrogant or abrasive. Instead, God’s people are to calmly, gently, and respectfully make a case for following Christ. Medicine goes down easier with a spoonful of a sugar, rather than arrogance, a belittling attitude, condescension, or judgmental disposition. |
这种辩护要以温和和敬畏的心来进行。当我们正确地尊崇神的时候,当别人问起我们的信仰时,我们不需要蛮横、愤怒、恐惧、焦虑,而是可以用温柔和敬畏来捍卫信仰。我们的举止和态度就是要温和。遗憾的是,护教辩论专家往往给人傲慢或粗暴的刻板印象。相反,神的子民要镇静、温和、恭敬地提出跟随基督的理由。吃一勺糖,药更容易下肚,而不是傲慢、轻视的态度、高傲或论断的性格。 |
Believers are also to have a good conscience before God. Our behavior ought to match the content of our words, as we convey the good news of the gospel. If someone is to be offended by the gospel, let it not be because we were brash and abrasive, but rather because the gospel challenges their way of life, tells them they are sinners in need of a Savior, and undercuts their worldview. In essence, let your attitude and words match the content of your message. |
信徒在神面前也要存无愧的良心。当我们传达福音的好消息时,我们的行为应该与我们话语的内容相称。如果有人要被福音冒犯,不要因为我们的粗暴生硬,而是因为福音挑战了他们的生活方式,福音告诉他们他们是需要救主的罪人,福音从根部挖断了他们的世界观。从本质上来说,让你的态度和话语与你的信息内容相称。 |
This is to have the result of putting to shame those who revile. This is different from what has been said before in chapter 2 where we want them to “glorify God on the day of visitation.” While that certainly is part of the aim of being ready to give a defense, there is also another aspect in which those who revile or seek to harm believers will be put to shame. This doesn’t mean embarrassment, but rather being defeated for opposing Christ and the gospel of Jesus. The point is that those who continue to revile will on the day of judgment experience shame and punishment. Believers will be ultimately vindicated on that final day, even if our conduct doesn’t have the evangelistic results that we hoped to have. |
这样做的结果,就是要让那些谩骂的人蒙羞。这与之前在第二章所说的不同,在第二章中,我们希望他们“在鉴察的日子颂赞神”。这固然是准备给人辩护的目的之一,但还有一个方面,就是要让那些谩骂或想伤害信徒的人蒙羞。这并不意味着让人难堪,他们是因为反对基督和耶稣的福音而被打败。关键是,那些继续谩骂的人,在审判日会经历羞耻和惩罚。信徒最终会在那末日得到平反,即使我们的行为没有达到我们所希望的传福音的结果。 |
How are believers to respond to righteous suffering? Believers are to be fearless and full of God, because we know Christ is the one we ought to revere above all else. And we are to be ready to make a defense for the hope we have in Christ, doing so with gentleness and respect, and a good conscience. Let me seek to help us apply this to our lives. |
信徒该如何应对为义受苦呢?信徒要对神无所畏惧,满心欢喜,因为我们知道基督是我们应该崇敬的,高于一切。我们要准备好为我们在基督里的盼望作辩护,要用温柔、敬畏和良心来做。让我来帮助大家将这些运用到生活中。 |
Application |
应用 |
Are We Engaging the Lost? |
我们是否在与失丧的人交往? |
This passage suggests two things: 1) people are asking and 2) we have an answer. Unbelievers should be able to see our hope as we endure difficulty. Do people see you facing the trials of this world with hope, with faith in Christ, and do they wonder and ask? |
这段话暗示了两件事:1)人们在问问题,2)我们有答案。当我们在忍受困难的时候,不信教的人应该能看到我们怀有盼望。人们看到你怀着盼望,带着对基督的信心去面对这个世界的试炼,他们会不会疑惑,会不会问? |
So very practically, when was the last time someone asked you about your faith? When was the last time someone said “why do you do what you do?” When was the last time someone said, “I’ve been watching you. What makes you tick?” |
所以很实际的说,上次有人问你的信仰是什么时候?上一次有人说“你为什么要这么做”是什么时候? 上一次有人说:“我一直在观察你,你的动力从哪来?”是什么时候? |
If this isn’t taking place in our lives, we need to be challenged and chastised by this passage. Here is a diagnostic question. First, are you engaged in friendships, conversations, and relationships with people who don’t know Jesus? On the NextDoor app, someone in my neighborhood posted the following three weeks ago: “Want to know more about the Bible? About God or salvation? I am looking to start an informal study at my home and would love to have you there for some good learning and fellowship. The Bible really is relevant for today! No pressure will be applied to join a particular church. This is a Bible study only. Please let me know if you’re interested.” She received 14 positive replies of people interested! Let that be a subtle nudge for some of us to be creative in engaging with our neighbors. |
如果这一切没有发生在我们的生活中,我们就需要受到这段话的挑战和责备。这里有一个诊断性的问题。首先,你是否与不认识耶稣的人交友、对话和来往?在NextDoor应用上,三周前我有个邻居发布了以下内容:“想了解更多关于圣经的事吗?关于上帝或救恩?我想在家里开始一个非正式的查经,很希望你能来好好学习和交流。圣经真的与今天息息相关!我们不会施加任何压力让你来加入某个教会。这只是查经。如果你有兴趣,请告诉我。”她收到了14位有兴趣者的积极回复!让这成为我们一些人与邻居交往的一个微妙的推动力,让我们创造性地与邻居交往。 |
Are Our Words Intelligible? |
我们的语言是否容易理解? |
Sunday school answers, though true, are insufficient to communicate clearly with an increasingly postmodern culture. The fact that “Jesus loves me and that the Bible tells me so” is true, but utterly incomprehensible to many. We need to make the hope of the gospel intelligible to the lost. Christianity is logical, reasonable, and coherent. Resources, such as Tim Keller’s The Reason for God or Lee Strobel’s classic The Case for Christ, can help us articulate and guide our friends into the truth of the gospel. If you’re sitting here and you don’t know Jesus, we want you to know him more than anything else. We want to introduce you to our Savior, and we readily recognize we don’t always make that easy. |
主日学的答案虽然真实,但不足以与日益后现代的文化清晰地沟通。“耶稣爱我,圣经也是这样告诉我的”,这是事实,但对很多人来说,完全无法理解。我们需要让失丧的人明白福音的盼望。基督教是逻辑的、合理的、连贯的。资源,如蒂姆-凯勒的《上帝的理由》或李-斯特罗贝尔的经典著作《重审基督》,可以帮助我们阐明并引导朋友们进入福音的真理。如果你坐在这里,而你不认识耶稣,我们希望你认识祂超过一切。我们想把你介绍给我们的救主,我们也乐意承认我们并不总是那么容易做到。 |
Can you give a coherent articulation for your faith? Can you defend why you have faith in Jesus Christ? Can you share the essentials of the faith? Can you explain why you think the Bible is true? Are you ready to answer those questions? |
你能为你的信仰作一个连贯的阐述吗?你能为你为什么信耶稣基督辩护吗?你能分享一下信仰的要领吗?你能解释为什么你认为圣经是真实的吗?你准备好回答这些问题了吗? |
My preferred way to share the gospel is with the outline God, Man, Christ & Response. |
我所喜欢的分享福音的方式是以神、人、基督与回应为纲。 |
(1) God created the heavens and the earth made humanity to worship and fellowship with Him. |
(1)神造天造地造人类,让人类敬拜神,与神相交。 |
(2) Mankind rebelled against God and become a slave to sin; as a result he stands under God's holy wrath and judgment. |
(2)人类悖逆神,成为罪的奴隶,结果站在神的圣怒和审判之下。 |
(3) But Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross and was raised from the dead and now stands as the Lord who is able to save those who repent and condemn those who rebel. |
(3)但神的儿子耶稣基督死在十字架上,又从死里复活,现在站在主的位置上,祂能拯救那些悔改的人,也能定叛逆者的罪。 |
(4) We must respond to the gospel by turning from our sin (repent) and believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior to receive forgiveness of sins. |
(4)我们必须响应福音,离弃我们的罪(悔改),相信耶稣是主和救主,才能得到罪的赦免。 |
If you have not heard that summary of the gospel before or if you’ve heard it a thousand times but this time it stirs your heart, we want to help you begin a relationship with Jesus. Reach out to us: email us, call us, or pray with us after the service. If you’re a believer, this is the good news we celebrate, we delight in, and that we are willing to suffer for. May we be ready to give a defense for the hope that is in us, and may God grow each us to delight in him more and more. We are blessed and we are loved by God. Stand firm in the true grace of God brothers and sisters. Stand firm. |
如果你以前没有听过这福音的概括表述,或者你听了一千遍,但这一次却打动了你的心,我们希望帮助你开始与耶稣建立关系。联系我们:给我们发邮件,打电话给我们,或者在敬拜之后和我们一起祷告。如果你是一个信徒,这就是我们所庆祝的、所喜悦的、所愿意为之受苦的好消息。愿我们准备好为我们里面所怀的盼望作辩护,愿神使我们每一个人成长,使我们越来越喜爱祂。我们是有福的,我们被上帝所爱。弟兄姊妹们,在神的真恩典中站稳了。站稳 |