29、 言其所为,践行其言,乃做人基本原则。
Say what you did, do what you said. --Basic rules for human beings.
30、 出身可以很卑微,灵魂不得不高贵!Born in the dust, but fly up high in soul.
31、 我的仁慈,不是你嚣张放肆的资本。 My mercy is not the cause of your presumption。
32、 人类的生命不应以时间长短来衡量,若心中充满爱时,一刹那就是永恒。Human beings’ s life should not be counted by time, one second will last for ever when one’s heart fulfilled with love.
33、 什么样的人最有魅力?我看无外两种,一是内心充满爱的人,一是内心充满信念的人。
Who is the most charming people? There are two kinds of them in my opion, one’s heart fulfilled by love, one’s by faith.
34、 感恩使一个人气质大大不同,从容,圣洁,眼里常有神的影子。
Thanksgiving makes a man so different from others, deliberately,saintly, shining the GOD’s glory.
35、 海之为大也,处卑低而不择细流;人之为主也,能下人而不惧己过。
The sea to be great since it place lower and never refuse to each drop of water; the one to be great since he can get his head down to person and brave to face his own fault.
36、 不沉湎于过去,不惧惑于将来,不轻失于当前,此为得乎其中。
Don’t dwell on the past, don’t confuse with future, don’t let today slip idly by, then you get it!
37、 没有好看的皮囊,只好修饰优雅的灵魂。
To feed your soul first while no good appearance.
38、 灵魂的饥渴,是最深的。
The hunger of soul is deepest.
39、 心至大,无物其外,因纳世界。Nothing is bigger than your heart, as the world is in it!
40、 保持灵魂的干净和安宁,是人生的第一要务!
The most important thing in life is to keep heart clear and peaceful.
41、 这世上没有干瘪的灵魂,只有贫瘠的心灵!生活之中永远蕴藏着无穷的想象力,只因心中有爱!
There is no shriveled soul but barren heart in this world. You will find there are innumerable beautiful things when your heart filled with love.
42、 不要把乔丹的王冠戴在你的头上!也不要把乞丐的毯子放在自己的屁股底下!Don’t wear Jordan’s crown on your head! Don’t spread the moocher’s rug under your ass either!
43、 世界上最蠢的事就是把别人的烦恼当做自己的烦恼,被别人的怨气鼓动着当炮灰。
Don’t lay the others’ burden on your own shoulders just by one sign or complaint, that should be the stupidest thing on the earth.