

作者: 灵魂刀手 | 来源:发表于2018-02-02 10:22 被阅读23次

74、 比自由更重要的是真实,比真实更重要的是爱,比爱更重要的是希望!

Truth is more important than freedom, love is more important than truth, hope is more important than love.

75、 不管未来怎么样,我们都应该按照内心最真实的想法生活,这就是人生的全部真谛。

No matter what is waiting ahead, we should follow the deep thought in our  heart, this is all meaning of life.

76、 时间才是我口袋里唯一一枚硬币!闪闪发光的硬币! 

Time is the unique coin in my pocket, the shining coin!

77、 有时候我们放弃了最重要的能力,或许出于懒惰,或许由于惯性,我们封闭了自己,拒绝学习新事物。

Sometimes we give up the most important ability due to lazy or habit, isolating ourselves from new things.

78、 当你发出愿望,愿望离你而去,你的内心一片空虚,这片空虚便不属于你,而属于一种叫希望的东西,期待着再次被充盈或者被研碎。希望之可贵,在于他明晓你的需求。

Wishes leave you alone after you make wishes, your mind is empty, this empty is not belong to you but belong to HOPE, which is waiting for completed or crashed. Hope can clarify your demands.

79、 我宁愿我的心永远像婴儿一样柔软纯洁,也不愿有一天他变得像石头一样冷酷无情。

I would like my heart soft and pure as a baby for ever rather than it becomes cold and ruthless like a stone.

80、 如果用你能制造出的欢笑和快乐,来做为你的业绩考核指标,你觉得该给自己发多少钱工资呢?

If using joy and happy made by you as performance evaluation index, then how much you should get in your opinion?

81、 老板视员工若草芥,员工视老板为仇寇。老板视员工若珍宝,员工视老板为上帝。

Boss take employee as bullshit, employee take boss as enemy. Boss take employee as treasure, employee take boss as the GOD.

82、 只有当你真正学会了游泳,下到了水里,到了江河湖海之中,才会发觉自己当初站在岸上的种种设想,计划,统统显得是那么地幼稚可笑。

Only after you learn how to swim in river or sea, you will find how ridiculous the plans and solutions on shore is!

83、 眼睛能够看到的,永远只是很小的一部分。

Eyes can only see the rare part of truth.

84、 甜言蜜语的谎言,总是包裹着恶毒的馅。

Honey-sweet lie always hides vicious idea.

85、 交友的用处是广博见闻,灵通消息。成长最根本的还是靠自己悟,修炼内心,锤炼思维,要成为一个控制狂,把握一切,让事情按照我要的方向发展。

Making friends to extend your view and get the newest information. Growing up depends on self-realized, training inner heart and mind, becoming a master of everything! Making things goes on as my wish.

86、 甭管你惹多大祸,我都替你兜着,你就放心大胆的干吧!

I am always your backup no matter how big trouble you made, just do it boldly.

87、 战斗到最后,你终会发现真理,这是一个人的战斗,什么支持什么后援都他妈扯淡,自始至终都是,一个人的战斗!MD蛋疼!

To the end, you will find the truth, I need no one!Are you really my backup? Actually, I am definitely alone for today and everyday!

88、 你为客户做了很多事情,他不一定记得;你没有为客户做到的事情,哪怕再小,他也会记住。

Maybe you do a lot of things for customer, but he may not remember. But he will remember any tiny unpleasant from you.


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