

作者: 松饼宋秉彦 | 来源:发表于2020-03-09 12:31 被阅读0次

1.in the digital age

    In the digital age, nothing can get in the way of productivity as long as you are connected to the Internet.

2.a die- hard fan

    If you are a die- hard rom-com movie fan, it means you are a romantic person and have a laid-back attitude towards life.


    I never was a movie buff, but it does provide a way of temporary escape.

4.bring sth. to our fingertips

    The Internet has become a liberating tool, with a limitless source of information brought to your fingertips.

5.game changer

    Virtual reality technologies can be a game changer for many fields, changing the way we work, play and connect with each other.

6.widen the scope of knowledge

    Not only does news widen the scope of your knowledge, but it also provides topics for conversation.

7.news outlet

    News outlets today present the text peppered with charts, graphs, and maps.


    A drug may be a blockbuster one day and tolled as a public health concern the next.


    Movie-goers can learn about box office updates and analysis by checking out review websites.

10.cash cow

    These drugs have generated so much profit for the industry that they have become a cash cow.

11.hit theaters

    Every time when a Hollywood blockbuster hits theaters, movie-goers cannot wait to check it out.

12.bring ... to public attention

    Foreign movies help bring the exotic cultures and traditions to worldwide attention,

13.keep up with       

    Various websites can keep us to date on the latest news regarding career prospects.

14.receive good reviews

    The James Bond movie received good reviews and became a big hit at the box office.

15.pay tribute to

    I want to pay tribute to all those working in these exceptionally difficult situations.

16.give sb. a glimpse into

    Biopic and movies on historical figures often give you a glimpse into the simple truths of life.

17.relate to sb.

    Learning about different cultures can make you more tolerant and make it easy for you to relate to other people.

18.pertain to

    Newspapers carry information of various topics that pertain to economy, politics, international affairs and pop cultures.

19.universal appeal

    In spite of cultural differences, certain funny situations have a universal appeal.

20.a medium of

    Social networks have become a medium of communication.

21.daily routine

    For many people, watching TV has become apart of your daily routine.

22.digital devices

    Some kids have unrestricted, unmonitored use of their own digital devices and spend tens of hours each week with them.

23.shape one's worldview

    Television can be very educational, helping people shape a larger worldview.

24.pull an all-nighter

    I had to pull an all-nighter to make the deadline.

25.around the clock

    People who work around the clock may have a higher risk of heart disease.

26.be geared towards

Unlike basic local newspaper, news channels are geared towards nationwide or even worldwide audiences. 


    News cover a large variety of topics.

28.on the spot

    The immediate, on the spot access to events lends TV programs an edge over published books.

29.current events

    Morning programs about currents events are geared directly towards an audience of school-aged students.

30.raise one's awareness about

    The media can raise the awareness about human rights issues.

31.keep/make sb. well-information

    Not surprisingly, people who regularly watch, read, or listen to the news are better-information than those who don't.

32.assimilate to

    It takes time for immigrants to assimilate to mainstream culture.

33.qualify for/qualify sb. for sth.

    A bank of traveling experiences qualifies a person for making easily.

34.a vibe

    People who craves for comedies send a playful, fun and energetic vibe.

35.bring out

    Children are born curious, and new environments bring out their natural curiosity.

36.a bank of experiences

    A rich bank of traveling experiences increases a person's likehood of becoming more resilient and tolerant.


    You should ditch the tour guide. Instead, explore the environment on your own.

38.on the road

    Spending some time on the road alone can help you clear your mind and collect your thought.

39.strike up a conversation

    Striking up with locals can teach you a lot more than you can imagine.

40.the real deal

    The best way to learn about a country is to be there and see the real deal.

41.tech gear

    Conventional wisdom says that the holidays are the best time to pick up tech gear.

42.well informed

    He was well informed and updated with all kinds of current affairs.

43.electronic gadgets

    As high-end electronic gadgets of modern times, cell phones have become one of the basic of our lives.

44.on the go

    We can hardly imagine how our ex-generation lives when these phones on the go aren't available.

45.go viral

    Small business can also create a cause campaign that will go viral, but it doesn't just happen overnight.

46.encounter unexpected troubles

    Cell phones can be life-saving tools when we are alone and encounter unexpected troubles.

47.maintain correspondence with

    Cell phones enables business people do their work by maintaining correspondence with customers, suppliers, business partners and financial institutions.

48.all in one

    Today's mobile devices keep you lighter on your feet, cramming them all in one.

49.inform sb. of/about sth.

    Newspapers have been regarded as a mainstream source of media to inform us about current events.

50.distance sb. from

    Each and every new gizmo pr application that comes out distances us an inch further from the outside world.

51.drop off the grid

    Without a cell phone, you drop off the grid and become unreachable when you leave your home or your office.

52.take ... seriously

    Every netizen should take digital privacy seriously.

53.check up on sb.

    Social media provides a good opportunity to check up on family and friends.

54.maintain privacy

    When we intend to share moments with friends and family online, we should also bear in mind the importance of digital privacy.

55.stumble upon

    I once stumble upon a website features that allow people to post photos and share moments online.

56.log in to

    When you log in to Facebook, you'd face a never-ending feed of updates on our timeline.

57.have an urge to do

    According to recent studies, we have a biological urge to overshare out of anxiety.

58.news feed

    You can make a list of 'notorious over-sharers' then keep them out of your news deed.

59.kill time

    Watching sports broadcasts remains a popular means of killing time on lazy Sundays.

60.be made public

    You should carefully examine your photos before they are made public.

61.have a risk of/put sb. at risk for

    Overexposure to technology puts children at risk for poor performance at school.

62.feed on/off

    Racism feed on fear.

63.relieve/ease/alleviate stress

    An appropriate amount of time spent on video games and social media can be a good way to relive stress, but too much of anything can be a problem.

64.lighten the mood

    Watching a foreign movie is as much a way to enrich knowledge as it is a way to lighten the mood.

65.inappropriate for young children

    TV shows and programs abounds with sex and violence, which can be highly inappropriate for young children.

66.be overwhelmed by sth.

    Those who feel overwhelmed by all that they have to do, hobbies can provide a slice of work-free and responsibility-free time in their schedule.

67.shorter attention span

    Overexposure to technology would lead to poor self-control, little empathy and shorter attention span.

68.be exposed to

    Children would have a greater risk of physical and mental fatigue after being overexposed to the cyber world.

69.eye fatigue/strain

    Though heredity seems to play a significant role in the development of myopia in childhood, some research suggests that eye strain, and specifically computer eye strain, also may involved.

70.socialize with

    Computers should supplement, not replace educational activities such as art, books, music, outdoor exploration and socializing with other children.


    E-mails can be a good means to offer praise, acknowledgement or some well-though-out help.

72.food for thought

    Documentary movies enable the audience to enjoy some food for thought.


    You can still leverage social media in your job search.

74.exempt sb. from

    Working at home does not exempt you from meeting deadlines.

75.do wonders

    If you want to freshen up your mind, breakfast and morning exxercise can do wonders.

76.make wave

    Social media has just started to make waves and change the way people connect.

77.the underlying risk

    For someone who lives on junk food and takeouts, the underlying risk has been lurking.

78.fall for

    Beauty products make up lies about turning back the clock, yet women tend to fall for it.

79.below the radar

    Accumulating facts doesn't help you understand the world because powerful movements usually develop below journalists' radar but have a transforming effect.


    The media will always sensationalize and simplify a story.

81.uncover truth

    It is hardly possible to rely on one source of news to uncover the truth.

82.adopt a skeptical attitude

    Critical thinking means you can adopt a skeptical attitude toward things poeple take for granted.

83.hidden motives

    When you are selecting sources, go for those lacking hidden motives and showing quality control.

84.be open to

    Be open to opposing ideas and not discount them just because you don't like them or because they conflict with your planned direction.

85.base on

    Movies based on real events can speak more directly to contemporary concerns.

86.bring ... to light

    The boom of talk shows and reality shows have brought to light many different kinds of people.  

87.pass along

    Good communication pass information along.

88.with the advent of

    With the advent of modern technology, more flexible working mode like telecommuting has been gaining popularity all across the globe.

89.social media

    Many people's natural inclination with social media has been to post first, and think about potential consequences later--whether drunk night out pics on Myspace, my boss is awful upadtes on Facebook, or clothes shedding shots on Snapchat.

90.a selling point

    The fact that pricacy is becoming a selling point in the latest generation of social apps isn't a bad thing, by any means.

91.digitally literate

    There are many benefits of using technology in the classroom, especially as students become increasingly digitally literate.

92.web illiterate

    Today technology has advanced to the point where people are convinced that web illiteracy could easily put one at a disadvantage.

93.change the way sb. do sth.

    Virtual reality technologies will change the way we work, play and connect with each other.

94.catch on

    Social media has caught on very quickly among young people.

95.far and wide

    Technology has made it possible for this information to reach far and wide.

96.a buzz word

    Freedom of speech has been a buzz word for years

97.on a ... scale

    In such a short time, he rose to fame on a national scale.

98.be on/ off the air

    It was a shame to see the talk show going off the air.

99.word of mouth

    A hundred years age, we relied on word of mouth to convey messages and news.

100.take hold of

    People who want to take hold of their own life are ready to push some boundaries when facing roadblocks.



