When you're getting on in years (but not ill of course), you get very sleepy at times, and
the hours seem to pass like lazy cattle moving across a landscape.
get on in years, 可以用来表达变老,平时总喜欢用old可以试试这个!
...Chips would sing out,in that jerky, high-pitched voice that had still a good deal of sprightliness in it...
sing out 非常形象,老头子说话抑扬顿挫,让我想起了我初中时候的语文老师。
sprightly生词:(尤指年长者 ) full of life and energy 精力充沛的;精神矍铄的。同义词:exuberance
Rarely did he read more than a page before sleep came swiftly and peacefully...
倒装句,非常实用。今天早上起来晨读,我很少这么早起,可以说“Rarely did I get up this early.”
You're one of the few lucky ones who are going to die a really natural death. That is, if you die at all.
die...这个表达很好用,比如说die a natural/sudden/slow death“以...样的方式死亡”,再比如,die a hero,die a rich man,也可以后面加形容词,比如die young,die unmarried,都表示“在死的时候是...样的”。学会这个用法可以让英文表达更简洁,不需要再说He was a hero when he died啦!
if... 附加信息,“如果你真的会死的话”,言外之意下一句也有解释,想说“Chips可能压根儿就不会死,谁知道呢”。
... not many people still alive could boast a thing like that.
boast 看到之前每日一词学到过的词好亲切呀!
Chips had put in for Brookfield after a year at Melbury...
put in for 请求加入...
...that summer day with the sunlight filtering through the dust in Wetherby's study.
I gather that discipline was not always your strong point at Melbury.
strong point, strong suit, forte 强项
Take up a firm attitude from the beginning.
take up 接受,答应(提议或挑战)。If you take up an offer or a challenge, you accept it.
...as Chips sat by his fire with autumn gales rattling the windows, the waves of humor humour and sadness swept over him very often, until tears fell...
1. Greenwich /ˈɡrenɪtʃ, ˈɡrɪnɪdʒ/ w不发音
2. wind up 给...上发条。注意读 /waɪnd/ 而不是 /wɪnd/ ,
过去式是wound/waʊnd/ ,不要读成/wuːnd/
3. Brookfield 今天把field读错了,多熟悉的词都可能出错。应该是/iː/,/ɪ/。
4. courteous /ˈkɜːtiəs/ 元音不是/ɔː/ 恭敬的
5. recollection /ˌrekəˈlekʃən/最前面的元音要注意是/e/不是/ɪ/
6. ordeal 磨难,重音在后更常见一些。
7. legitimate /ləˈdʒɪtəmət/ 不是/aɪ/
8. implacable /ɪmˈplækəbəl/ 是梅花音,不是/eɪ/,看到像place就想当然发音了
relentless, implacable badgering (TBBT里面的台词)
9. assume /əˈsjuːm/ 常年累月老错误,应该是清音不是浊音
10. scowl /skaʊl/ 跟scrawl//skrɔːl/那个词读混了。。