雅思写作7.5分语料| 政府/科技类:科学研究应该让政府还是私企

雅思写作7.5分语料| 政府/科技类:科学研究应该让政府还是私企

作者: Sharon黄文琪 | 来源:发表于2023-12-29 09:20 被阅读0次

    雅思写作历年大作文真题:Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by government rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    carry out scientific research 搞科研is a complex and subjective issue是一个复杂而主观的问题a balanced partnership between the government and private companies政府和私营企业之间平衡的伙伴关系advance scientific research推进科学研究

    control over scientific research对科学研究的控制aligns with national priorities and public interests符合国家优先事项和公共利益direct and fund research programs指导和资助研究项目address societal challenges应对社会挑战promote public health促进公共健康drive innovation in areas where profit motivations might be lacking在可能缺乏利润动机的领域推动创新help prevent conflicts of interest帮助防止利益冲突ensure transparency确保透明度prioritize long-term benefits over short-term gains优先考虑长期利益而不是短期收益

    possess the resources, expertise, and innovative spirit拥有资源、专业知识和创新精神take risks and push the boundaries of knowledge勇于冒险,挑战知识的极限profit motivations利润动机drive commercialization驱动商业化brings new products and technologies to the market为市场带来新产品和新技术benefit society and improve quality of life造福社会,提高生活质量competition among private companies私营企业之间的竞争fosters innovation 促进创新lead to breakthroughs带来若干突破might be slower to emerge in a government-controlled system在政府控制的系统中可能会出现得更慢

    a collaborative approach协作方法provides oversight, funding, and policy guidance提供监督、资助和政策指导contribute resources, expertise, and specialized knowledge提供监督、资助和政策指导partnership合伙remains focused on societal needs 仍然关注社会需求allow for the flexibility and efficient allocation of resources允许灵活和有效地分配资源joint initiatives and public-private collaborations联合倡议和公私合作have already proven successful in areas like healthcare, renewable energy, and space exploration在医疗保健、可再生能源和太空探索等领域已经证明是成功的

    may not be optimal可能不是最理想的combine the benefits of government oversight and private sector innovation把政府监管和私营部门创新的好处结合起来result in a more comprehensive and impactful scientific research ecosystem形成更全面、更有影响力的科研生态系统



          本文标题:雅思写作7.5分语料| 政府/科技类:科学研究应该让政府还是私企
