

作者: peizhenjy | 来源:发表于2017-09-08 17:08 被阅读20次


While you still have time before you must beginstudying for your BMAT test, there is good reason to get in the right state ofmind now.While practice tests cancertainly be great aids as you await the testing date, it is also a very goodidea to think about your approach to the written portion.This is not as simply as the general questionand answer part of the test, which you can practice for well in advance oftaking the test. That doesn’t mean, however, that you should overlook the importance of preparationwhen it comes to essay writing.

While you can’t possibly know what the topics will be in advance,you can get in a habit of executing proper essay writing techniques.Additionally, it is recommended that you stayinformed of current events.Considersources like the Student BMJ and BBC Health News.That being said, in general, it is consideredbest practice to break your essay down into four distinct parts.Familiarize yourself with this pattern andthe task of writing it won’t seem so daunting.

1. Introduction

The introduction should not be long. Just a fewshort sentences are generally needed to accomplish this goal.The introduction has one objective–to tell thereader what he or she can expect to find in the remainder of the essay.What is the point of the piece?What argument are you making?

2. For Argument

Once you have clearly stated the point of the BMATessay, then it is time to more concisely explain your argument. This can beconsidered the positive paragraph, where you write very clearly what yourthoughts on the topic happen to be. Always take a stance.Even if you are not overly opinionated on thetopic, take a side and stand by it for the sake of the essay.

3.OpposingView (and Rebuttal)

In the third paragraph, you will have to examinethe arguments made against your opinion. It is important to point out theseopposing opinions, but also to provide a rebuttal of them.Remember, the essay is being written toprovide concrete support of your stance on the topic.

4. Conclusion

This is an opportunity to draw the piece togethernicely. Restate your claim and provide a clean ending to the essay.

As a final note, the biggest mistake that manystudents make is allotting too much time for the essay.The time could be better allottedelsewhere.As such, it is recommendedthat you plan ten minutes for essay writing at the start of the test.




