Day 8 communication

Day 8 communication

作者: 卢义娴 | 来源:发表于2018-12-12 23:57 被阅读0次


    解释、描述、主持、演讲和写作。这一类人的天赋优势是显而易见的,那就是沟通 (communication)。


    You like to explain, to describe, to host, to speak in public, and to write. This is your Communication theme at work. (起作用)

    Ideas are a dry(浮躁) beginning. Events are static静态的. You feel a need to bring them to life, to energize them, to make them exciting and vivid. And so you turn events into stories and practice telling them. You take the dry idea and enliven  赋予活力it with  images and examples and metaphors. 比喻

    You believe that most people have a very short attention span. 注意力持续短They are bombarded by 被轮番混炸information, but very little of it survives. You want your information—whether an idea, an event, a product's  features and benefits, a discovery, or a lesson—to survive.

    You want to divert their attention 转移注意力 toward you and then capture it, lock it in. This is what drives your hunt驱动搜索 for the perfect phrase. This is what draws you toward dramatic words and powerful word combinations. This is why people like to listen to you. Your word pictures pique 刺激their interest, sharpen澄清眼界 their world, and inspire them to act.

    How to manage a person strong in communication

    - Ask her to learn the folklore, the stories of interesting events within your organization, and then give her the opportunity to tell these stories to her colleagues. She will help bring your culture to life, and thereby strengthen it.

    - Take the time to hear about her life and experiences.

    - Discuss your plans with her for your organization's social events.

    - Ask her to help some of the specialists in your organization make more engaging presentations.


    1. 表示“某样东西,在发挥作用”: This is your Communication theme at work.

    2. 表示“给某样东西赋予生命力”: You feel a need to bring them to life, to energize them, to make them exciting and vivid.

    3. 表示“变得鲜活起来”: You take the dry idea and enliven it with images and examples and metaphors.

    4. 表示“被某样东西轮番轰炸”:They are bombarded by information.

    5. 表示“驱动搜寻”: This is what drives your hunt for the perfect phrase.

    6. 表示“精彩生动的口头描述”: word pictures

    7. 表示“刺激人们的兴趣”:pique their interest

    8. 表示“澄清人们的眼界”:sharpen their world

    9. 表示“激发人们的行动”:inspire them to act

    10.  表示“锁定某样东西”: lock sth. in

    11. 表示“花时间在做/某事上”: take the time to


    sth. at work: 某事在发挥作用

    dry beginning: 枯燥的开头

    static /ˈstætɪk/: adj. 静态的

    bring sth. to life: 赋予生命力

    vivid /ˈvɪvɪd/: adj. 生动的;鲜活的

    enliven / ɛnˈlaɪvən/ (sth.): vt. 让某样东西具有生气

    attention span: 注意力持续时间

    be bombarded /bɑ:mˈbɑ:rdid/  by sth.: v. 被某样东西连续轰炸

    divert /dɪˈvəːt//dʌɪˈvəːt/  someone's attention: 转移某人的注意力

    pique /pi:k/  someone's interest: 刺激了某人的兴趣

    folklore /ˈfoʊklɔ:(r)/: n. 趣事;民俗故事

    specialist /ˈspɛʃəlɪst/: n.  专家

    engaging  /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒɪŋ/: adj. 动人的


    1. Their theme of talent is communication.

    2. He is quite expressive/articulate/very good with words.

    3. That's the caffeine at work.

    4. It was you. You brought my soul to life.

    5. Catch him. I want a live one.

    6. This party really livened up when you came.

    7. Remember to divert your phone when you are out of the office.



          本文标题:Day 8 communication
