第 3 天:什么是非暴力沟通?

第 3 天:什么是非暴力沟通?

作者: 布de田野 | 来源:发表于2022-02-08 09:58 被阅读0次

Day 3: What is Nonviolent Communication?

第 3 天:什么是非暴力沟通?

“Nonviolent Communication (sometimes known as Compassionate Communication) is a way ofinteracting that facilitates the flow of communication needed to resolve differences  peacefully. It focuses on shared human values and needs, and encourages the  use of language that increases good will and avoidance  of language that contributes  to resentment or lowered self-esteem.“


Nonviolent Communicationassumes that enriching life is the most satisfying motivation for doing  things, rather than being motivated by fear, guilt, blame or  shame. It emphasizes taking personal  responsibility for choices and improving the quality of relationships as a  primary goal. It is effective even when other people involved are not  familiar with the process.”        – Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

非暴力沟通认为,做一件事最令人满意的动力是丰盈生命,而不是被恐惧、内疚、责备或羞耻所驱使。它强调对选择承担个人责任,并将改善关系的质量作为首要目标。而且,即使对方不熟悉非暴力沟通的过程,也是有效的。”     —— 马歇尔・卢森堡 博士

The four components of Nonviolent Communication are:


1.      Observations - Observing a  situation without moralistic judgment or diagnosis

1.   观察 -不带道德评判的观察情境

2.      Feelings - Expressing to  another how you feel without assigning blame

2.   感受 -向他人表达你的感受而不归咎于他人

3.      Needs - Expressing to another  which of your universal needs are met, unmet or which you would like to have  met

3.   需求  -向他人表达你已满足的基本需要和未满足或希望满足的需要

4.      Request - Expressing a specific, doable request of another person in  an effort to help you meet your needs

4.   请求  -向他人表达具体可行的请求,以帮助你满足需要

For today, focus on making observations without moralistic  judgment in at least two of your interactions.



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      本文标题:第 3 天:什么是非暴力沟通?
