The Gay Genius|Chapter 26阅读笔记

The Gay Genius|Chapter 26阅读笔记

作者: 木羽子 | 来源:发表于2018-01-03 21:12 被阅读17次

1. 中文感悟


2. English summary

Chaoyun took good care of Su Tungpo and she herself also got improved to catch up with Su in mind. However, she died of a disease though she was very young. Su loved her and never remarried later. When Su thought he could settle in Huichow and also made his own house, the order for the new exile was issued.

3. 词汇学习

1. It is not neccessary to philosophize about the vicissitudes of human life.

vicissitudes      [vɪ'sɪsɪtjuːd; vaɪ-]

N-PLURAL You use vicissitudes to refer to changes, especially unpleasant ones, that happen to someone or something at different times in their life or development. 变化; 变迁 [正式] [oft N 'of' n]

2. Uphill on the east, a Buddhist temple nestled beneath a tall forest, from which came the sound of temple bells while he enjoyed his sweet sleep in spring.

nestle    vi.

If something such as a building nestles somewhere, it is in that place and seems safe or sheltered. 坐落

eg: His home nestles in a little village.

3. But deep personal sorrow now befell Su Tungpo.

befall    vt.  (befell-befallen)

If something bad or unlucky befalls you, it happens to you. (不好的或不幸的)降临 [文学性]

eg: Many years ago, the disaster befell this poor village.

4. He clothed the poem in such language that it could be read both as a poem to the flower and as a poem in honor of the woman he loved.

clothe    v.


eg: The nearby mountains are clothed in snow.


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