The Gay Genius|Chapter 28阅读笔记

The Gay Genius|Chapter 28阅读笔记

作者: 木羽子 | 来源:发表于2018-01-05 21:03 被阅读70次



2.English summary

Su was finally promoted once more, but it was a long journey from leaving Hainan to his return north. On his way to the north, he was welcomed everywhere he went, but he got ill halfway. And he decided to settle down in Changchow instead of the capital or other places. Because of illness, he passed away not long after they arrived in Changchow, at the age of sixty-four. As Lin Yutang said, although Su Tungpo died, his spiritual wealth was left to us forever.


Many of character and ability and moral rectitude are rare products of a civilized society and thus take a long time to grow up and mature.

rectitude  ['rektɪtjuːd]  n.

Rectitude is a quality or attitude that is shown by people who behave honestly and morally according to accepted standards. 正直 [正式]

eg: People all like him because of his moral rectitude.

It is difficult to expect that a new generation of upright, learned, and fearless scholars could just turn up at court, by a fiat of the Emperor.

fiat    ['fiːæt; 'faɪæt]    n.

If something is done by fiat, it is done because of an official order given by someone in authority. 命令; 法令 [正式] [also 'by' N]

eg: They tried to solve the problem by fiat.

Su Tungpo died and his name is only a memory, but he has left behind for all of us the joys of his spirit and the pleasures of his mind, and these are imperishable.

imperishable    adj.

Something that is imperishable cannot disappear or be destroyed. 不灭的; 不朽的 [文学性]

eg: Su Tungpo left us many imperishable masterpieces.


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