

作者: 善水100 | 来源:发表于2023-11-28 09:56 被阅读0次

    Self-Expression and Survival自我表达与生存


    Spontaneity is a function of the body's motility. A living body is never completely at rest, even in sleep.The vital functions, of course, never stop,,自发性是身体运动的一个功能。一个活的身体永远不会完全休息,即使是在睡眠中。当然,这些重要的功能永远不会停止。


    but in addition,there are many involuntary moveme'nts that occur in sleep. These are more frequent when we are awake and active.



    In adults these involuntary movements constitute the basis of our gestures, facial expressions and other body actions.


    If an individual's self-expression is blocked,his spontanei ty is reduced. The reduction of spontaneity lowers the feeling tone.



    That elements in the personality: the inner life, the outer expression and all three to maintain its form.


    When a person's self-expression is blocked or limited, he may compensate by projecting an ego image. 



    Another example of compensation is seen in the person who has to have a big house, an expensive car or a large boat to overcome an inner sense of smallness. What is  small  is his range of self-expression. He may be rich in money, for that is his ambition.but  he  remains  poor  in  his inner  life (spirit ) and  in  his  manner  of  self-expression.



    we focus on three major areas of self-exprer sion: movement, voice and eyes.



    Normally people express themselves through each of these channels of communication simultaneously. If we feel sad, for example, our eyes tear, our voice sobs, and our body may convulse. Anger is likewise expressed in body movement, sound and looks. Cutting off or blocking any one of these channels weakens and splinters the emotion and its expression.



    We have patients kick, hit the couch, reach out for contact. including touching, sucking, biting and so forth. Few patiens can execute these movements gracefully and with feeling. Their actions are either uncoordinated or explosive.



    Rarely can they combine these movements with appropriate vocal utterances and eye contact to make them more expressive. The blocks against these expressive movements reduce the body's mobility and the person's spontaneity.



    Kicking is a good example. To kick means to protest.Since most children were denied the right to protest, as adults they cannot kick with any sense of conviction or with real effect.They provocation to release this action explosively.If there is provocation, their kicking is haphazard and uncoordinated.



    Sometimes they say, "I have nothing to kick about."But this is a nothing to protest in his life.since no person would be in therapy if he felt there was Kicking on a bed using one outstretched leg after the other is a whipping action in which, when it is well done, the whole body participates.



    Tensions in any part of the body interfere with this whipping quality. The legs may move, for example, but the head and torso are immobile. In this case the leg movement is forced and there is no spontaneity.


    We say the person is afraid to "let go" to the action. Although it is started voluntarily, when a person lets go to the action, it takes on a spontaneous and involuntary quality and becomes pleasurable and satisfying. Using the voice, such as saying no when kicking, adds to the commitment and to the release. What is true for kicking is equally true for the other expressive movements mentioned above.


    I have found it necessary to have patients go through these exercises involving kicking,hitting,biting, touching repeatedly to free the movement so that feeling can flow smoothly into the action.Each time they kick or hit the bed, for example, they learn to give in to the movement more fully, allowing more of the body to feel the action. In most cases it is necessary to point out to the patient how he holds against giving in to the movement.


    For example, a patient will reach for me with his hands while holding back with his shoulders, unaware he is inhibiting the action until I point it out to him. Hitting the bed either with one's fists or with a tennis racket is a relatively simple action, yet few can do it well. They do not stretch enough, they don't arch their backs, they lock their knees, any one of which prevents them from putting themselves fully into the action. Of course, hitting was taboo for most children. 


    doesn't help much since it has become structured in the body as chronic tension. With practice, however, the hitting becomes more coordinated and effective, and patients begin to feel a pleasure doing this exercise-a sign they have opened a new area of self-expression.这并没有多大帮助,因为它在体内已经成为一种慢性紧张。然而,随着练习,击球变得更加协调和有效,患者开始为做这个练习感到快乐——这表明他们打开了一个自我表达的新领域。


    I have always believed that therapy requires a double approach-one focused on the past, the other on the present. The work on the past is the analytic side, which stresses the why of a person's behavior,actions and movements.


    The work on the present stresses the how, how one acts and moves.


    Coordination and effectiveness of action and movement are for most animals learned qualities, learned in the course of childhood play.But where a child has emotional problems, this learning doesn't take place fully and naturally.





