There are some people that are content withtheir situation in life, but everyone has something they want to excel in;something they want to be proud of. Unfortunately, most people don’t have thedrive to do something about it. They waste away their time and talents daydreaming of what could be instead of living the life they want.
People are constantly taking the easy roadin life: it’s less risky, it doesn’t involve a lot of effort and it’scomfortable.Change requires you to step out of your comfort zone and into the unknown. You have to change yourself, your surroundings even your habits.
Change is difficult. If it were easy, wewould all be famous billionaires living in mansions. The fact that it’s hard iswhat makes change and improvement so great. Improving your life will result inseveral positive outcomes such as, giving you a better sense of self, makingyou a better person, mother father, friend, etc. and you’ll find yourself beinghappier in general. You need to understand that changing yourself for thebetter won’t take away challenges in your life—it will just prepare you to beable to face them.
If you have tried to change in the past andfailed, don’t quit. You can still change and start making a difference in yourlife. The following tips will get you set on the path to action. When you dothese things, you are preparing yourself to do more than just dream about thelife you want; you are getting yourself on the path to achieving it.
Use thesetips as guidelines to make the changes in your life that you want to see.
1.The first step toward changing is knowing what you want to change and why.
Take the time to sit down and write downyour goals. Also write down why you want to change; make this as in-depth asyou can because it will be a foundation for you. This is something you will beable to go back to when you are feeling like it’s too hard or you haveforgotten why it’s important.
2.Tell people your goals.
It can be embarrassing for some people toshare with others what’s in their heart; but it’s necessary. In order tochange, you have to be held accountable. Letting someone else know what you aretrying to do will ensure that you have someone to answer to. Make sure thisperson is someone who will continue to encourage you and isn’t afraid to askhow things are moving along.
3.Replace bad habits with good ones.
Stopping something cold turkey is hard, soit’s best to replace the unwanted habit with something positive. If you have amajor addiction, there are other steps you will have to take. If it’s just abad habit, such as looking at Facebook too much, replace that with somethinglike going for a walk around the block. If you are trying to stick within abudget, play a game with your family instead of going shopping. Find somethingpositive to do that will replace the negative things in your life.
4.Change is not easy, but it’s easier when you have someone to do it with.
Find a partner, coach, friend or familymember who might be in the same situation as you. If you want to start workingout, set up times when the two of you can go exercise together. If you want toget up earlier, call each other in the morning and encourage one another to getup and get moving. Whatever changes you want to make, find a way to includesomeone else in them. You will be each other’s support, can hold one anotheraccountable for what you do or don’t do.
5.Get rid of distractions.
There are things everywhere in our houses,our workplaces, and even our schools that can and will distract us fromchanging into the kind of people we want to be. Our phones, computers, iPads,etc. are all wonderful tools that we have at our disposal, but they can alsohinder us. We spend so much time texting, emailing and checking various socialmedia platforms. That is time that could be used doing something productive.Limit the amount of time you spend on the computer. Set an alarm and when itgoes off, you’re done.
6.Turn off the TV.
I know so many people who have the TV on inthe background while they are trying to get stuff done. I am guilty of this. Inthe past I would turn on a movie while I was trying to work or clean the house,but every time, I would find myself sitting on the couch watching instead ofbeing up and moving. I decided to listen to audio books instead: that way Idon’t have anything visual distracting me from the things I need to get donebut I still have something entertaining or educational to listen to.
7.Only say positive things to yourself.
When you fail it’s easy to point outeverything you did wrong, but that is so discouraging. Instead, say toyourself, “I can do hard things.” You have the ability to change, you just haveto believe in yourself. Don’t beat yourself down.
8.Serve other people.
It’s funny how service works: you go outexpecting to help someone else in need and you end up helping yourself. Whenyou serve others, you feel better about yourself, you make a difference insomeone’s life, and you give back to the community.
9.Recognize the good things you do, no matter how small.
Many people might skip this step because itfeels arrogant and prideful. IT’S NOT! Changing yourself is about evaluatingwhere you are in life, what you’re doing and why you’re doing those things.When you make a change, even if it’s something simple, acknowledge it, don’tbrush it off like it doesn't mean anything. It means everything! It means thatyou’re actually doing it, you’re changing.