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盘一盘Tidyverse| 只要你要只要我有-filter 筛选

盘一盘Tidyverse| 只要你要只要我有-filter 筛选

作者: 生信补给站 | 来源:发表于2020-03-02 09:41 被阅读0次

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上篇根据 msleep数据集,介绍了列的操作,盘一盘Tidyverse| 筛行选列之select,玩转列操作


一 载入R包,数据

#[1] 83 11


二 基于数值变量筛选

基于数值,根据 >, >=, <, <=, ==!=完成筛选

1 筛选sleep_total 大于 18

msleep %>% select(name, sleep_total) %>% 
  filter(sleep_total > 18) %>% head(2)
# A tibble: 2 x 2
  name                 sleep_total
  <chr>                      <dbl>
1 Big brown bat               19.7
2 Thick-tailed opposum        19.4

2 筛选sleep_total在16和18之间

可以filter(sleep_total >= 16, sleep_total <= 18),也可以使用between函数

msleep %>% select(name, sleep_total) %>% 
  filter(between(sleep_total, 16, 18)) %>% head(2)
# A tibble: 2 x 2
  name                 sleep_total
  <chr>                      <dbl>
1 Owl monkey                  17  
2 Long-nosed armadillo        17.4

3 筛选 均值+-3sd 范围内**


msleep %>% select(name, sleep_total) %>% 
  filter(near(sleep_total, mean(sleep_total), tol = 3*sd(sleep_total))) %>% head(2)
# A tibble: 83 x 2
   name                       sleep_total
   <chr>                            <dbl>
 1 Cheetah                           12.1
 2 Owl monkey                        17  

三 基于变量名字筛选


1 单个变量筛选

msleep %>% select(order, name, sleep_total) %>% 
  filter(order == "Didelphimorphia")
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   order           name                   sleep_total
##   <chr>           <chr>                        <dbl>
## 1 Didelphimorphia North American Opossum        18.0
## 2 Didelphimorphia Thick-tailed opposum          19.4

不等于方式: filter(order != "Rodentia")

2 多个变量筛选


msleep %>% select(order, name, sleep_total) %>% 
  filter(order %in% c("Didelphimorphia", "Diprotodontia"))
# A tibble: 4 x 3
  order           name                   sleep_total
  <chr>           <chr>                        <dbl>
1 Didelphimorphia North American Opossum        18  
2 Didelphimorphia Thick-tailed opposum          19.4
3 Diprotodontia   Phalanger                     13.7
4 Diprotodontia   Potoroo                       11.1

注意区分,此处 !%in%无作用! 需要在order前面加“!”

msleep %>% select(order, name, sleep_total) %>% 
  filter(! order %in% c("Didelphimorphia", "Diprotodontia"))
# A tibble: 79 x 3
   order        name                       sleep_total
   <chr>        <chr>                            <dbl>
 1 Carnivora    Cheetah                           12.1
 2 Primates     Owl monkey                        17 

3 正则匹配实现筛选

两个主要函数:基础包的 grepl() 函数, stringr 包的 str_detect() 函数

msleep %>% select(name, sleep_total) %>% 
  filter(str_detect(tolower(name), pattern = "mouse"))
# A tibble: 5 x 2
  name                       sleep_total
  <chr>                            <dbl>
1 Vesper mouse                       7  
2 House mouse                       12.5


四 基于逻辑筛选

  • filter(condition1, condition2) 两个条件都符合;
  • filter(condition1, !condition2) 条件1是TRUE,条件2是FALSE;
  • filter(condition1 | condition2) 两个条件符合其中一个即可;
  • filter(xor(condition1, condition2) 只有一个条件符合!两个都符合不可以。注意使用
Complete set of boolean operations. `x` is the left-hand circle, `y` is the right-hand circle, and the shaded region show which parts each operator selects.

1)筛选 (bodywt大于100 ) 且 (sleep_total大于15 或者 order不为Carnivora )

msleep %>% select(name, order, sleep_total:bodywt) %>% 
  filter(bodywt > 100, (sleep_total > 15 | order != "Carnivora")) %>% head(2)
# A tibble: 2 x 8
  name           order        sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle awake brainwt bodywt
  <chr>          <chr>              <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
1 Cow            Artiodactyla         4         0.7       0.667  20     0.423    600
2 Asian elephant Proboscidea          3.9      NA        NA      20.1   4.60    2547

额 ,注意逻辑!

注:多个条件可以用AND, OR ,NOT 组合

2 筛选非空行

is.na内置完成 NA的筛选

msleep %>% select(name, conservation:sleep_cycle) %>% 
# A tibble: 54 x 5
   name                       conservation sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle
   <chr>                      <chr>              <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 Cheetah                    lc                  12.1      NA        NA    
 2 Mountain beaver            nt                  14.4       2.4      NA  

五 跨多列筛选

  • filter_all() 所有列参与筛选,根据筛选条件筛选
  • filter_if() 逻辑判断确定哪些列参与筛选,根据筛选条件筛选
  • filter_at() vars()函数定义哪些列参与筛选,根据筛选条件筛选


1 filter_all()筛选所有行

#筛选name:order, sleep_total, -vore中,任何一列包含“Ca”的所有行
msleep %>% select(name:order, sleep_total, -vore) %>% 
  filter_all(any_vars(str_detect(., pattern = "Ca")))
# A tibble: 16 x 4
   name              genus        order        sleep_total
   <chr>             <chr>        <chr>              <dbl>
 1 Cheetah           Acinonyx     Carnivora           12.1
 2 Northern fur seal Callorhinus  Carnivora            8.7

注: any_vars() 类似OR,all_vars()则类似AND

#筛选name, sleep_total:bodywt, -awake列中,所有列均大于1的所有行
msleep %>%  select(name, sleep_total:bodywt, -awake) %>% 
  filter_all(all_vars(. > 1))
# A tibble: 1 x 6
  name  sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle brainwt bodywt
  <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
1 Human           8       1.9         1.5    1.32     62

2 filter_if()筛选条件列

msleep %>% 
  select(name:order, sleep_total:sleep_rem) %>% 
  filter_if(is.character, any_vars(is.na(.)))
# A tibble: 7 x 6
  name            genus       vore  order          sleep_total sleep_rem
  <chr>           <chr>       <chr> <chr>                <dbl>     <dbl>
1 Vesper mouse    Calomys     NA    Rodentia               7        NA  
2 Desert hedgehog Paraechinus NA    Erinaceomorpha        10.3       2.7

注:同样可以使用 is.numeric, is.integer, is.double, is.logical, is.factor判别,日期数据的话,可以加载 lubridate 包,使用 is.POSIXt 或者 is.Date.

3 filter_at()筛选条件列


#筛选sleep_total, sleep_rem两个变量,所有值均大于5的行
msleep %>% 
  select(name, sleep_total:sleep_rem, brainwt:bodywt) %>% 
  filter_at(vars(sleep_total, sleep_rem), all_vars(.>5))
# A tibble: 2 x 5
  name                 sleep_total sleep_rem brainwt bodywt
  <chr>                      <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
1 Thick-tailed opposum        19.4       6.6  NA       0.37
2 Giant armadillo             18.1       6.1   0.081  60 


msleep %>% 
  select(name, sleep_total:sleep_rem, brainwt:bodywt) %>% 
  filter_at(vars(contains("sleep")), all_vars(.>5))
# A tibble: 2 x 5
  name                 sleep_total sleep_rem brainwt bodywt
  <chr>                      <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
1 Thick-tailed opposum        19.4       6.6  NA       0.37
2 Giant armadillo             18.1       6.1   0.081  60 






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精心整理(含图版)|你要的全拿走!有备无患 (R统计,ggplot2绘图,生信图形可视化汇总)


  • 盘一盘Tidyverse| 只要你要只要我有-filter 筛选

    首发于“生信补给站” ,https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/l9Ci7wREQWpEV5dTvK...

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    本文标题:盘一盘Tidyverse| 只要你要只要我有-filter 筛选
